Expose your alliance, brehs 

Terrence was really trying to get a black man evicted over the white man who was terrorizing a black woman in the house.
This is why I haven’t been watching the feeds like that this year. I can’t get into this cast. (Plus I’m on my spiritual stuff, and not watching tv at night anymore)
Taylor and Ameerah are/were the only great looking ones.Michael is a super fan. He knows the game. He’s probably been at home watching the feeds since he was a teen.
With that said, you see how boring Superfans are? He’s socially awkward. This is why a lot of them don’t make it on the show. I also think they don’t want too many people who know how to play the game, because they want people easily manipulated in the DR.
I don’t understand casting Terrence at all. I know they probably wanted an older person, and diversity, but there are plenty of entertaining black men in that age range. But they probably don’t watch Big Brother.
I used to think they casted for looks, but these people aren’t that attractive either, except Taylor. Alyssa and Indy are cute, and have decent bodies. I think they cast Paloma as a hot girl, but she wasn’t that great either. But she was somewhat entertaining. I think her not having meds, plus not being able to handle a black woman looking better than her really got to her. Non black women have a difficult time dealing with attractive black women, because they think she’s not supposed to look better than them.