I don't believe that. Especially when it comes to Tyler.I’m saying they wanted to do it anyway, and now it’s justified because of how the minorities are playing.
I don't believe that. Especially when it comes to Tyler.I’m saying they wanted to do it anyway, and now it’s justified because of how the minorities are playing.
They were always at the bottom of the totem poll. Dani been slick talking about Day and Bay for weeks now. Day and David just expedited the process at this point.Stop it. The minorites are being targeted because of their awful shytty game play. Look how David ruined his relationship with Tyler. Davonne ruined her relationships with everyone in the house. They were damn near locks to make it to jury. Bay is in a bad spot because of her association with Davonne. I've seen every season of Big Brother and David might be the worst single player I've ever seen and Davonne isn't far behind. Minorities being targeted early in Big Brother is usually due to racism. This isn't one of those seasons.
I've said this countless times Davonne is the only reason Bayliegh is in a bad spot. Enzo, Tyler, Cody all want to work with her. Bay will be in a good spot as long as Nicole or Ian don't win HOH and Davonne goes.David with all his nonsense is still doin better than bay and da though.
He's so clueless no1 sees him as a target and he cna float to final 5 easy,win a comp here or there and make final 3.
Plus all his blabbering is just putting more heat on Da, bay, Tyler Cody and Dani. Indirectly David is doing a good job of trying to cause chaos after Janelle n kaysar are gone.
I'm still jus trying to figure out what are day and ba's plans to win dis game. How they planning to get ppl out wit no veto or HOH wins and can't convince no1 to vote wit them?
Davonne had dvaid following her around Lil ea puppy dog and cldve used that crush to reel him in and gain his vote for ne thing instead she argues wit da guy and pushes him away. Is it is hard to be like Tyler and jus say yes to every opportunity in front of u. Yes Janelle, yes kaysar yes nicole a, yes David yes keesha. Jus say yes and ppl will work wit ya, jeez
Davonne's target this week is David and she doesn't trust Bayleigh. The only two people in the house who had her back 100%.![]()