Bay I luv ya, but ur 110% wrong in every way wit ur statements. KAYSAR IS 100% RIGHT.
Have u not freaking learned from bb20, u still trusting that cac Tyler. She doin da same gypsy voodoo on u that he did last time. You would think growing up in a mostly white skool u wldve learned to see thru that fake cac ish.
Difference between u and da, is that she realizes where she fukks uo n tries to correct course. U stay on da same mislead course of action jus like fessy. Rockstar last time.
Davonne realizes once kaysar is gone her black ass is nxt n prolly wit David on block so cnt get his vote 2 save her either. U actually thi k dis 6 person alliance is real? U had zero say in nominations last 2 wks and zero say in veto being used or backdooring ppl. That's ur clue ur a nuthin, they dictating to u who Goin up and who u voting for. Yet u mad at kaysar who has no power in dis game. Smh