What would have happened if he offered to cut America a stimulus check?
For real this man might ACTUALLY have totally lost it now. He might have been able to energize democratic support for mid terms if he did something---anything major to try and help poor people who are about to suffer from a Trump presidency.
I swear, letting billionaires do whatever they want seems to be the one thing that the majority of politicians on both party can agree on.
China has capitalism with Chinese characteristics. They've taken what doesn't work out of capitalism and are slowly trying to take out the things that don't work out of communism. They have an entire road map:
What the fukk do we have? Giving money to Ukraine while kids fukking starve here? What kind of country is America supposed to be in 5 years? Well for conservatives it's the restoration of the oligarchy this country started at, with full class and race system back in place.
For the democrats in this country What's the vision for America in the next 5 years? Still continuing to debate amongst themselves and trying to " how dare you, sir!" Their republican opponents who DO NOT care about the rules to death?
We got world leaders who read history, science, economics, philosophy and do their absolute best to stay informed of the context of everything they're doing. They project visions into the future based off historical patterns and learning the mistakes of others.
And then there's us. Apparently this shyt is the best America can do.
What is stopping America from ACTUALLY BEING great for EVERYONE? Poorly restrained capitalism and bigotry.
fukking unbelievable