Biden Rushes Almost Billion to Ukraine


Feb 16, 2017
What would have happened if he offered to cut America a stimulus check?

For real this man might ACTUALLY have totally lost it now. He might have been able to energize democratic support for mid terms if he did something---anything major to try and help poor people who are about to suffer from a Trump presidency.

I swear, letting billionaires do whatever they want seems to be the one thing that the majority of politicians on both party can agree on.

China has capitalism with Chinese characteristics. They've taken what doesn't work out of capitalism and are slowly trying to take out the things that don't work out of communism. They have an entire road map:

What the fukk do we have? Giving money to Ukraine while kids fukking starve here? What kind of country is America supposed to be in 5 years? Well for conservatives it's the restoration of the oligarchy this country started at, with full class and race system back in place.

For the democrats in this country What's the vision for America in the next 5 years? Still continuing to debate amongst themselves and trying to " how dare you, sir!" Their republican opponents who DO NOT care about the rules to death?

We got world leaders who read history, science, economics, philosophy and do their absolute best to stay informed of the context of everything they're doing. They project visions into the future based off historical patterns and learning the mistakes of others.

And then there's us. Apparently this shyt is the best America can do.

What is stopping America from ACTUALLY BEING great for EVERYONE? Poorly restrained capitalism and bigotry.

fukking unbelievable
The stimmy checks caused the massive inflation that y’all complained about

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
The Democrats have truly become the political party of Neoconlib warhawks.

Shut up, fakkit monarchist

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a Brit of Jamaican descent. I'm interested in African histories, cultures, genetics, myths, legends etc.
As a Brit, you know I like 'football' (soccer to you yanks, even though I don't mind handegg). I love Hip Hop, Drum & Bass and Metal music. I can't stand Grime, Dubstep and most Dance/Electronica music

My world views are somewhat... controversial.
Here's some of them:
1. I don't believe in 'White Supremacy'... or should I say that I don't believe in the grand nigh onmipresence, omniscient and omnipotence of it. As T. West from Afrisynergy News has said, "White Supremacy donotes Black (Non-white) inferiority." The idea that white supremacy is always many steps ahead is rediculous. It also begs the question - If 'White Supremacy' is always many steps ahead how can the likes of Tariq Nasheed, Jason Black etc know what's going on? How do we know that they aren't being manipulated by said 'White Supremacy' to make videos about it? Also why are the biggest preachers of 'White Supremacy' always these 'pro-black con men'. China, India and even Africa rising certainly puts a major hole in the 'White Supremacy' entity.
Let's call it the correct term - Western European Descended Hegemony

2. I can't stand 'pro-black con men' like Tariq Nasheed, Jason Black, Umar Johnson, Sa-Neter etc. They love talking about how other cultures like the Olmecs, Indians, Greeks, Jews etc were 'black' (when they weren't. No genetic, linguistic, archaelogical etc evidence for it) yet they seldom talk about other great African polities like the Mali Empire, Kanem Bornu, Songhai, Kongo Kingdom, Swahili city states etc.

3. I can't stand black bootlickers like Candace Owens, Tommy Sotomayor, Jesse Lee Peterson etc. I have no problem with black people having different opinions and political views. In fact I encourage it. However, many black bootlicks are deluded, pathological liars and fools.

4. I can't stand Political Correctness. I tend to lean on the side of Free Speech absolutism. I believe in the right to offend. If you don't like it, challenge it or grow thicker skin. I believe everybody has the right to criticise who and whatever they want. It makes for a healthy and honest society. It doesn't make you a 'c00n' for not siding with Tariq Nasheed or Frances Cress Welsing.
I'm seldom offended by racial slurs and other such Un-PC terms. Feel free to mock my heritage and what not as you wish.

5. The Left and Right wings of Politics as a philosophy need to die a quick and painful death. I believe in ideas not sectariarism. I believe in policy not political theory.

6. I'm Pro Brexit.

7. I'm a monarchist. I believe a (Semi) Constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government. The idea that republics ensure peoples rights is fukking rediculous. The 20th century had many republics and most of them were bloody and totalitarian. Do you honestly think that if the Gulf Arab polities were to become republics, they would be beacon of great rule?
Nope. The best they would be is 'pre 2015 Civil War' Yemen.

8. I consider myself Afro-Conscious rather than pro-black. One of the tenants of being pro-black is you must only date black women. I date who the fukk I want.

If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask.


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
Biden like: yall got me out of the paint unwillingly, so fuk yall. Let me send more of y’all’s money to the black hole that is Ukraine and y’all eat diks while I do it. I only have a month left and yall got Chump…fuk it all…