I just came back to say I told you so yet again.
Biden been trash. The Dems knew Kamala is trash, that’s why they didn’t like her. Biden didn’t like her and neither did Obama. The Dems highest donor spilled it and so did Kamala’s unpaid team.
I told y’all about how shytty that vaccine is. I came with receipts of their own court ordered forced released research saying all the side effects and still got bashed by you idiots and got low quality posting by a mod (I believe it was Barnett). Now Biden pardoning Pfizer criminal ass who made America sick with it.
Biden pardoned a child trafficker meanwhile trump had the biggest human trafficking bust under his presidency. Dems are associated with pedos. Biden’s racist ass also pardoned his crackhead son who he said in court he didn’t want jungle black crackhead kids going to school with only for his son to turn out to be a crackhead ass criminal. And y’all’s dumb asses still voted for him. Always supporting your blue masa who actively works against you.
I told y’all about what was going on in Chicago , how the illegals and dem leadership are negatively affecting the Black American community and it would spread to the whole country if y’all continued to vote for dem, y’all didn’t care. Y’all don’t care about the Black American community, you only care about doing what masa told you to do through the media that they own. Dumb asses.
I told y’all about Megan lying too but that’s a different topic.
The quality of this site has really deteriorated, not only in the thought process of the posters but in the leadership as well.
I have one more thing to come back to rub in your idiot faces then I’m gone for good.