The proposal, however, would affect more than just rich people, with disclosure requirements that cover the vast majority of bank, loan and investment accounts.
Even so, a headline widely shared
on Instagram from InfoWars, the conspiracy-oriented website run by Alex Jones,
contains only an element of truth. The headline states:
"Biden’s Treasury Dept. Declares IRS Will Monitor Transactions of ALL U.S. Accounts Over $600."
The Infowars article under that headline goes on to make a more far-reaching claim: that the IRS will "audit virtually all financial transactions of Americans with bank accounts holding at least $600."
Similar claims have been made on other social media.
The Instagram
post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our
partnership with Facebook.)
The Treasury Department has made no such declaration. For now, the proposal to tighten bank disclosure requirements is just that — a proposal. And while it would feed more financial data to the IRS, it does not call for IRS audits of virtually all financial transactions.