That’s not how his presidency ran at allBiden was always a war hawking neo cons sack of shyt posing as a Democrat. When your best friends with Mitch McConnell nothing is surprising
Aye man don’t do thatSpeaking about that I had a dream(zzz) a long time ago like around 2013 that Europe was in ruins a lot of orphans running around going through rubble.
in the dream it felt like it was UK
I woke up confused like wtf
I wonder if that was a vision![]()
Putin will use nukes, and rightfully so. So many lines crossed by America/nato in the last 2 years alone
A 10 minutes history lesson that frames how we got to this point.
Worth your time.
I realize Russia has nukes.
Are they from 1960?
If Russia doesn't have enough of a conventional war machine to overwhelm Ukraine, has the nuclear arsenal been upkept?
The US nuclear set up is cutting edge. From what I understand we have enough nukes on subs to glass any nation, and those subs are already in close range for any opps.
It will be unimaginably horrific if nuclear war erupts, but if another country sets it off, they will be a memory with in 30 minutes.
Youre unhinged and belong in a mental institutionI'm tired of Putin screaming nuclear war every 2 seconds. He should let them things fly if he is truly about this.
Ukraine fire deep into Russia and give him a taste of his own terrorism.
Youre unhinged and belong in a mental institution
He’s Putin.What do you see in Putin that you love so much? How can you call yourself a man when you willing to give away your freedoms for power?