60 votes in a couple.of hours
HBGOAT with Prince Devitt and Tana in Japan in 2005. These guys were marks of HBK from the very beginning.
HBGOAT with Prince Devitt and Tana in Japan in 2005. These guys were marks of HBK from the very beginning.
60 votes in a couple.of hours
And people say HBK can't draw
HBK's polls have had the most votes every time go look at all the other whokada polls it's crickets
This tourney dies if HBGOAT get's eliminated
You acting like HBK ain’t lay the foundation for the whole attitude era
Everybody knows it takes months to actually see the change/results that come from booking. Austin gets the credit because he was champ but HBK laid the foundation like a mofo from Summer of 97-WM14.What foundation? even if you wanna give DX that kind of credit, Austin was already stunning Vince in MSG when they formed. And that "foundation" pales in comparison to what Okada has meant to New Japan in elevating the company from where Tanahashi was able to save it
Everybody knows it takes months to actually see the change/results that come from booking. Austin gets the credit because he was champ but HBK laid the foundation like a mofo from Summer of 97-WM14.
Breh, what? Austin gets the credit because he was stupidly over, and in a complete different level than Michaels or DX. Replace Austin with anyone - HBK feud at Mania 14 included - and WWF doesn't get into no damn boom, come on now.
I will stand corrected with something: when DX started (August), Austin already had momentum and 1 month later he was stunning Vince to a huge pop
And again, that 8 month DX run has nothing on Okada taking New Japan from "saved" to n°2 promotion in the World with really good drawing numbers in a 4-6 year period.