timestamped, look at this selling. we seen this setup a million times, but no one ever sold it like they should. He was like fukk it I'm ragdolling this whole shyt I trust you.
That's an example of great psychology and selling without just taking some crazy as bump to elicit fan emotion.
I don't even like Edge like that, but let's be real guys.
That bit of selling was a Master Class. No doubt.
But to respond to you about Edge's accomplishments ... what I meant specifically is that he shouldn't have been an 11-time world champion. Had he topped out at like, 4 or 5 (considering the vast majority of his reigns lasted about a month-month and a half, if that) I would have fell back
I get it from the gimmick standpoint -- ultimate opportunist -- but it was a bit much for me.
Beyond that... it's kind of obvious that Edge is the pick here. Jeff couldn't be trusted though he had and realized more of his potential as a face. Edge, despite doing what he did with a bum neck, could at least be relied upon.