Just Cause 2...its beast, and greatly slept on by many
Just Cause 2...its beast, and greatly slept on by many
im literally with this face at all times...
...and the funny thing is i dont even know how to do ANYTHING....
i have bandages and i still havent figured out how to use them =[ ...
ive been trying to get people to play this, maybe we can start our COLI colony
Just Cause 2...its beast, and greatly slept on by many
to use the bandages you gotta open your inventory by pressing "G", then right click on the bandages, and select (left click) "use bandage". the controls are weird and take some getting used to, but you have a lot of control over your character. if you're running forward and hold "alt" the mouse will only move your head. that's really helpful, especially when being chased
I would recommend looking at a map. this one is good:
DayZ Map - DayZDB
the important thing is learning the building types that have good loot. supermarkets are real good. fire-stations, certain barns, hangers, warehouses, and deer stands all have good loot
we should try to get a group together. I've only been playing for a week, but I've been learning a lot