Best Rapper Alive - 1994

Who's the MVP of 1994?

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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
It's close. Nas the GOAT but I'm just going on strictly what impact each MC had at THAT time/THAT year. Nas dropped Illmatic but it initially didn't have the impact on the culture like Biggie's debut.

You mean when both respective albums illmatic and rtd album dropped.

who had a higher pitched fervor in the actual culture of hip hop on their release date.
Nas was definitely killin big and anyone in the actual culture of hip hop on a level higher than them.
At the exact time that illmatic dropped in complete ownage

That is in skills and in social random hype conversation in the actual culture of hip hop.
about who is killing it as just standard very vocal and now visual draw.
Amoung real bboys and bgirls.
that shyt was like supreme props immediately.
We talking about the culture of hip hop not just standard black interaction.
like how they have this jiggy meets prison industrial marketed economy shyt now.
With just standard wack hands toys trying to play it like they are some god culturally in hiphop and real gods in the culture of hip hop.
looking like nikka stop trying to front and if they were supremely on some over the top gangsta shyt.
they supremely were getting dissed cause it was straight pure culture and hip hop was not at all forgiving to ignorant public gangsta displays or coming in that regard as far as gangs with structurized lit. Hip hop was crews not gangstas.
Hip hop was not this apologist pass merit badge bullshyt.
they have now masquerading as rap or some marketed product endorsed by what the actual culture of hip hop is really about on wax.

Big did not have large resonated impact culturally.
as far as a grip on the tables as the holy shot moment of the night after dreams first dropped.
till unbelievable the b side dropped.
Yet was not touching at any point in any actual hip hop party, or late night to early am college radio show either.
As culturally based rap was not played on the radio, and the songs that garnered radio early in in daytime and primetime moments were very rare and key to moving forward to the monopoly of radio.
Big, incomparison neber had any moments kn the same cultural fervor or pitch like when nas was spun and definitely nas.
Nas, had complete ownage of the tables and actual hip hop party impact at every actual hip hop party.
when at the time the obscure it ain't hard to tell remix was mixed in.
with the original on a beat juggle session at the actual party with the beat dj's then.
at that exact time in hip hop parties.
This was from release to every quick strike style single drop for the very limited and scarce vinyl for illmatic as well.

So culturally in the actual parties, and in cultural resonance and impact.
big's album had no actual moments like nas and illmatic did at all.
like that at all, when rtd dropped.
or any of the more wider spread bad boy fringe culturally big singles dropped in comparison.

Nas had complete ownage of it till early Leo Burnett style marketing.
Now termed urban marketing made a larger gateway for daytime radio and standard pop gateway permeation of hip hop to the common consumer like now.

Later last quarter of 94.
when boogie monsters and honey dips in Gotham took over the tables in 95.
Big later carried that more grown approach vibe audience into the draw for big poppa and later ownage on the tables with one mo chance. Which was basically the completed and ramped up big.
which we can say was a totally different artist in vocal tonality.

Art Barr

A lot of y'all nikkaz been lied to about this hip hop shyt and I know and can easily see the toys in this shyt.

Stop trying to meld this prison industrial complex meets post great recession ass rap for what is reflective of what hip hop is really about culturally.

They way this shyt is marketed now.

It is a complete lie to what the actual culture of hip hop is about and really real talk.
How this shyt got damaged leads right into this little era and eventually marketers of prison industrial economy rap were effectively able.
to strip the actual culture of hip hop away from rap.
The business of the two remaining drawing pillars of the culture and render them moving forward a non-draw in a culturally grassroots based manner and ultimately controlled in large corporate monopolistic fashion in every manner.
Including a fake plant underground artist based industry.
which is just not labeled a major label venture publically.
in its paid for pr and marketing of any paid for but a plant like a grassroots movement.

nikkaz living a major corporation based lie in rap now.
It's a joke really and to bring us forward.
It is really really fukked up what occurred and now hurtles black America moving forward into even darker social American economic and social ages using this vibe from prison industrial met post recession age rap as a weapon.

shyt is sad really, y'all don't really get no real hip hop like that no more.
Plus, it is gonna fukk the world up real bad like chuck d said in 1992 in seminar at the natural field museum in chicago.
So, the culture was beat and the last saving grace of the world culturally called hiphop is done.

so, good luck with this shyt moving forward but it is gonna get way more heinous and nobody is safe who is not some one who is from a fam of heavy structured affluent influence.
Like they really took away the lifeline of the poor.
like how chuck d said they would by turning hiohop onto itself. When they were able to destroy the base of the emcee culturally.
After destruction of the tagger and graf artist in art houses.
To breakers using movies and tv with gay ass Leroy in tow.
To now making the standard marketed voal of rap the beligerent disrespectful bullshyt of prison industrial and post great recession based marketed rap and then take everything else in one fell swoop afterwards with rap being a vocal.

Art Barr

Inspect Her Deck

Skins of all colours come together as brothers
Dec 14, 2015
Alright y'all results are in:

5th place: Warren G (1 pt)
4th place: Redman (2 pts)
3rd place: Method Man (3 pts)
2nd place: The Notorious B.I.G. (5 pts)

and the MVP and 1st place finisher for 1994 is Nas (10 pts)
