Most of the Coli has to be either White, or race trading "C00ns".... after hearing Em say "I ain't on that ****** shyt"....that should be that as far as his spot on your list and "in your heart" goes. He's disqualified from being respected in this culture. I don't care how many multi syllable rhyme schemes he comes up with (something y'all love to overlook when it comes to black artists by the way) and I don't care that he signed 50, he can't be revered in this culture anymore. I wouldn't care if Benzino was a walking used douche, he wins just for NOT being Em. And people say stuff like "he was a stupid teenager" but that's how racism work, its taught young and becomes tradition, just like Christmas and fourth of July. Now just cause he knows Dre It's cool....smh y'all a disappointment to your grandparents and their parents.