So some comments and deals that didn’t go through?Are they?, Not recently at least. I remember Biden saying Social Security needs to be cut and Obama agreeing to a deal for it to be cut that Boehner backed out of. Clinton pass the Telecommunications Act in 1996 deregulating communications and a company hasn't even broken up due to anti-trust since 1982. Do they cater to unions or the executive class of businesses nowadays? So na, they got on board and have been trying to out Republican Republicans which as far as being business friendly for awhile now.
Yay, out of Afghanistan and giving away billions to Ukraine. WTF?!
I already gave examples.
A nearly 30 year old bill from Clinton.
Are you seriously arguing that Democrats are more pro business than Republicans?
All Republicans talk about is cutting taxes and eliminating regulations. How have Democrats outs Republican’d them?
I support funding the Ukraine war. I don’t want to send troops over there. Better to let Ukraine fight that war than be conquered and we have to get in it when a NATO country is invaded.
I meant examples of neo liberal talking points from MSNBC. I don’t watch them all the time. What I’ve seen, I don’t see it.