Breh...this shyt drives me fukking insane.
Sometimes I wish that our people could just have our own fukking section of earth and not have to worry about the affairs of everyone else. They all fukking seem to hate us anyways. Hate to be so self-deprecating but cot damn if the black race isn't the most disliked group on earth I don't know what is.
And don't get it twisted, I acknowledge that these feelings are often contradicted. I loved the support that the hispanic community gave to Obama, but I can't deny that I also feel pretty uneasy about a future where the viewers of white washed univsion have more and more presence and power. Is a majority hispanic police force really less likely to profile a black man? Will hispanic university presidents give a fukk about black enrollment and matriculation? Does more hispanic presence in the entertainment industry help or hurt blacks? Future is uncertain, I just want to know what's going to become of my people.
I often hear from blacks and other minorities say that whites are just "dividing and conquering" and that minority groups (Blacks and hispanics in particular) need to "work together" and have "common interest"....ancedotally, that doesn't seem to ring true to me.
Even on election night, I had some concerns. Heard a lot about gay politicians, women politicians, hispanic politicians....other than Obama we didn't make any strides (And as much as I hate to "go there"...dude is half white) I think Deval Patrrick is the only black governor, we have a decent history of mayors of big cities (Corey Booker being the most popular right now)...but for the most part, it's still very disappointing. Are we ever gonna get a black senator that looks like Magic Johnson? I'm happy for Tammy Baldwin (First openly gay Senator)....but I'm not sure if her victory is as much of a win for me as other progressives seem to think. We're being left out completely.
Got a little off topic, whatever, just wanted a vent a bit....