Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
Chael Sonnen Calls Becky Lynch "Jane Doe Jobber," Talks Ronda Rousey's MMA Losses - Wrestling Inc.
Chael bout to get it next, watch
Chael bout to get it next, watch
Chael Sonnen Calls Becky Lynch "Jane Doe Jobber," Talks Ronda Rousey's MMA Losses - Wrestling Inc.
Chael bout to get it next, watch
On an unrelated note: i forgot that Homer came across as very unlikable in that episode.
That was a top 5 Simpsons episode. Even as a kid, they had me @ Homer and he was my favorite character. They really made it so clear that he didn't deserve any of what he had.
How is this guy making out like he can write knowledgeably about wrestling and he hasn't heard of Becky Lynch?Chael Sonnen Calls Becky Lynch "Jane Doe Jobber," Talks Ronda Rousey's MMA Losses - Wrestling Inc.
Chael bout to get it next, watch
I like the attention to detail of different sized jugs
I like the attention to detail of different sized jugs
I like the attention to detail of different sized jugs
C’mon manI like the attention to detail of different sized jugs