Becky Lynch on the women main eventing double standard


Let me work.
Jun 20, 2013
I think the issue is, it shouldn't be wrapped up in gender. The issue is, Becky Lynch cannot be relied on to anchor a main event-level match :yeshrug: Thems the facts.

Sasha/Bayley in Brooklyn... that was a Main Event. Admittedly; the Women's War Games at last TakeOver should have been the main event of that show. It was the superior match. I feel like, left to their own devices, there's about 5-6 women in WWE currently that I could see being main event talent, in the Finn/AJ-match sense of 'can be a marquee match with little to no build, given the time to run it' sense. Becky ain't one of them.

The rest of this got long, so I'm finna spoiler it. Sativa got me analyzing and shyt.

As it stands, most of the women on that short list are on NXT. And it makes sense. WWE is so intent on being a variety show, that prestige-level wrestling isn't something they do enough for most of these people to be able to have the experience to pull it off when it matters. The pacing of those matches has to be different; there's room for subtlety in them that the 5 minute matches can't have, and in fact, it calls for a level of subtlety directly counter to said 5 minute matches. NXT does more 'prestige-level' wrestling; so even women like Bianca who haven't been wrestling as long as a Natalya... would probably still do better in that kind of match, and I say that believing Bianca is the weakest of the NXT women in this very thing - I'm of the opinion that they need to start giving Bianca that Goldberg booking, not necessarily in the sense of win-streak so much as match length, because it'll highlight what she does best, and also will convey that her opponents have to operate with urgency with her or she might catch them with a big shot and it's over... but that's a conversation for another day - and that's really sad since it seems like Natty's been wrestling most of Bianca's life on this earth.

It's that situation where, when you give people a well-done, compelling match, it doesn't matter if it's males, females, tag teams, trios, or goddamned thumb wrestling. It's the execution and the presentation. There's bias, yes, but... those same people that have that bias aren't watching the women's match when it's in the middle of the card or the end. At least if it's the end they leave and aren't sat there shytting on the match for personal enjoyment, so there's honestly less obstacles if you put on a salient match.

The problem is, they don't execute.

It's ironic, honestly, that she's the one in this position, because she's the only one of the 4 that a) never won the NXT women's title, so therefore b) never actually had the responsibility in NXT to have these kinds of matches. She's the least prepared for them. It doesn't shock me she's having those problems. Baszler was the strongest part of the SS threeway... because she's been doing 15+minute TakeOver matches. She's believable. And she knows how to get the crowd to react to things, instead of just expecting them to because they've been trained and it's rote.

People should be more open to women's wrestling being main event level - there are people who like it, clearly, if whole promotions of only women can exist and not go bankrupt; the market exists - but... the onus is on the performers to give them something worth being cared about, before you expect motherfukkers to invest.

Note it's almost never the minority women in these situations complaining about this kinda shyt. I mean, part of that is the company not giving them the chances to be in those situations off-top, which is it's own problem. But also... fukk it, I'mma say it: non-white women know what it is to have to work against a stigma or a bias and have to put in twice the work for the same result; white women don't always rationalize that because they get to the 'it shouldn't be that way' moment and sit there instead of needing to K.I.M. because they don't have the option of decrying foul play and demanding things change. Bills gotta get paid and sometimes shyt be like that. :manny:. It's a work ethic thing. Some people go out there, and have their match get shat on and they get upset at the crowd or call it unfair - the wonderful Sheamus/Orton match - and some people take it as a challenge and do something that pulls the crowd back. Favorite example of that: Cesaro killing the beach ball. It got him heat, it got him over, it got the crowd focused back on the match and it changed WWE policy on beach balls, all because instead of pouting, the nikka went out there and 'ruined the fun' like a skrong-ass Hall Monitor.

Sexism is real, yes. But if you do a good thing, people will pay attention to it, no matter what. Act like racist white people don't love them some black music in spite of their opinions on the people making it. Because doing something well will cover for almost anything leveled against it.

Hold this rep.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
I would be surprised if Becky makes it through 2020 without being forced to turn heel, or doesn't end up giving interviews about how the fans frustrate her because of the negative reactions they're starting to give her. It's usually the next step considering where she's at right now, and if she continues to be in more subpar main events, she's going to have a hard time handling the fallout.

It's disappointing considering the fact that I wanted her in this spot, but I think it's getting to the point where she needs to give it up to someone else.
Everyone has to give it up at some point, but the problem is that the WWE thinks that long reigns = greatness. I don't SCSA or Rock ever held their titles for more than 6 months at the most whenever they were champ.
Funny enough all those matches disappointed because they went with the "safe bet" despite not making any story sense.

They used Charlotte's history in big matches to justify the mania involvement. It watered down the core feud and hurt the match.

Bayley has history of carrying people so they made her work most of the Survivor Series match and have Becky be in it the least.

The TLC match justifier was hilariously bad. It was "the 2018 TLC main event was great so let's put Becky & Charlotte back together to face Asuka and Kairi"
Her history of big matches consist of people who are better than her, and if we're being honest Charles & Becky are benefiting from everyone else's hard work.


All Star
Dec 26, 2014
Her history of big matches consist of people who are better than her, and if we're being honest Charles & Becky are benefiting from everyone else's hard work.
The problem with Becky's booking lately is they aren't getting what got her over in the 1st place. Her post Summerslam 2018 -Royal Rumble 2019 run (minus injury crap) was great. Becky's wrestling style just screams heel, but she turned heel in a way that the audience seen as justified. She was portrayed more as tactical and opportunistic than straight badass or underdog.


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
I don't know about letting shyt slide. How many years did Roman hear "you can't wrestle" or Cena same thing.. and they were actually solid in the ring.
Dudes threatened to hurt Roman's daughter or some shyt. But i can see what she's getting at. People expect women to not be good at wrestling, they also still see it as a boys game.


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
The problem with Becky's booking lately is they aren't getting what got her over in the 1st place. Her post Summerslam 2018 -Royal Rumble 2019 run (minus injury crap) was great. Becky's wrestling style just screams heel, but she turned heel in a way that the audience seen as justified. She was portrayed more as tactical and opportunistic than straight badass or underdog.

Big facts. It'd be like if post-MITB cash-in Edge swaggered around for a year talking about how much of an asskicker and a badass he was... but played completely straight as if he was the face. They don't understand how to do 'heels-that-got-turned-face' in any way that isn't 'emulate SCSA'. They literally do not know how to do anything else.

And the more Becky leans into this 'The Man' thing, the worse it'll be as the goodwill burns out and she comes off less like the character she was, and more and more like... well. There's no other way to say it: The Becky Lynch character as of now, has literally become Charlotte from before Charlotte got self-aware. And there's nothing that wears quicker in wrestling than a face who doesn't realize they aren't a face anymore. It's quite literally what turned people on Cena, and they are making all the same mistakes with Becky, down to the overexposure, where even people who don't know wrestling like that are starting to see that she isn't as good as the position she's in.

Doesn't help that Becky Lynch is the least athletically-inclined woman the company employs not raised by a murderer :yeshrug:


No Shorts No Malarkey
Jul 22, 2014
Theodore breh and associates
Dudes threatened to hurt Roman's daughter or some shyt. But i can see what she's getting at. People expect women to not be good at wrestling, they also still see it as a boys game.
so if she wants to change the stigma they need to go out and have good matches and stop crying about people blowing down on her because she cant carry matches as good as her peers now that conor mcgregor aura has left the building. there are good women wrestlers they have good matches but people legit just started to take them trying to get bret hart level praise for what she been doing aint happening no time soon... her and her boyfriend sensitive AF


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I enjoyed the Sasha/Charlotte (despite the shytty booking) and 2018 Women’s TLC Main Events :manny:.

They’re are some women that can carry a main event match, Becky cannot.
I liked that match too. But Sasha should have won. Sasha had a good match with charelotte too. But yea maybe Becky either isn’t as good as them or isn’t being used right


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
If the company wasn't bound by it's own bias, Sasha and Becky would switch roles :sas2:

Becky should be used as what they think Natty is: a veteran presence who has pedigree who can go out there, be a base for people they want to use, and occasionally snatch some wins so her credibility doesn't evaporate. Best use for Becky Lynch is as borderline-uppercard female Dolph Ziggler. Get her set in that role so when the NXT new wave pops up, she can play gatekeeper, get some good matches, steal some wins, but mainly be used to build the new ones as beating a former champion. Sad as it is, that's pretty much the ceiling for Bayley, too, and would be a great role for her in the next year or two when they hopefully send Bianca or Io there. I think Becky could have a smooth match with Taynara.

The women got their shine in a weird time, just as far as signings go. Shayna/Bianca/Io are the new class that's ready to move up, and Rhea/Toni shouldn't be that far behind - I feel like Rhea isn't gonna wear that belt long before she's called up. In that group... who is Becky Lynch a better worker than, considering moveset, execution and athleticism? Not a cotdamn one. So... do you hamstring these women so they can work to a level where they aren't visibly head and shoulders above the people they work with? Do you put them in a position where they can't show what they can do so the people who are limited don't look bad? I mean... that's their M.O. for sure, but how long do you continue to do it?

She's held both titles at once, main evented WM, competed in her share of first-ever matches and holds not just a victory, but a title victory over a legit former UFC champion in the aforementioned main event of WM... what's left that you need? The best thing those accolades can do in a year or two is be video package material for a match where you can build up the next generation of women coming up who aren't just good enough that they should be given a chance; but are good enough to be working your semi-main/occasional mains going forward. Where they have all the training the previous generation did through the NXT system, but done better in some ways, and also involving people who have natural aptitude, years of international experience, or just undeniable ability.

I'm not saying the 4HW need to be bushed - there's still story to tell. But as long as they hold on to the current... it'll stay like it is, only worse as the road and the wear continues to destroy the bodies of the people involved.

Becky shoulda turned when Seth did. It woulda made sense, especially with how SS ended, and hell. Seth+Becky+AOP as a faction is gonna be a lot better, logically. Especially the heat she could get by popping shyt from behind AOP. Use the bravado how it should be used... because they so intent on turning Becky into Austin, they finna fukk around and turn her into Cena.

That being said... Asuka deserves better. I hope Stardom throw the bag at Io and Kairi and all three of them roll out. I'll still watch KanaChanTV. shyt don't make no goddamned sense - company so hardheaded they... nevermind. They doing what the E do. Hoard talent just to misuse it. Meh.


Sep 26, 2013
I think much of the problem is booking rather than talent. Becky is more than capable of delivering very good matches but main events in WWE typically tend to be overbooked much of the time (even in NXT, as amazing as the Takeovers are, there's a LOT of shyt that happens in those matches).

We know that there are workers in NXT in the women's division that have the potential to far exceed the current lot on the main roster - you look specifically at a woman like Io Shirai, who's legitimately one of the best in all of women's wrestling, and had arguably the best women's match in WWE last year vs Candice LeRae. Shayna Baszler is a great heel worker - maybe a tad one-dimensional but she should be easy to book. Rhea Ripley and Toni Storm collectively are everything WWE looks for in a star for their division - Good looking blonde women who can work, Ripley obviously with the more unique look. Bianca Belair is a star waiting to happen. There's more I haven't even got to. The division is stacked. So talent isn't an issue anywhere in the WWE IMO as far as the women are concerned.

If those underwhelming main events that Becky/Charlotte were in were booked by whoever it is that books NXT's main events, I doubt they would have had the same problems.

Doctor Doom

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
Sep 30, 2013
So we all agree that it's more about Becky underperforming and less about 'women' in general :ehh:

Everyone praised Sasha vs Becky at HIAC, said it should have main evented. :manny:

There was a factor in that.match that the rest of the women's main events was lacking tho :mjpls:

Superkick Party

Atlus / Ryū ga Gotoku
Jan 28, 2016
Hub City
Her main event matches aren't good. She's one of the more overrated talents in wrestling. Men are also criticized for bad matches and main events. The Seth/Fiend match will go down as one of the worst if not worst of 2019 if it didn't.
Fiend and Seth had such bad reception the damn company didn't even acknowledge its existence :laff: