Be Black In Latin America Brehs (Denzel In Man on Fire Edition)


Dec 24, 2014
The Black people in Venezuela overwhelmingly support Maduro's government since it is the ideological continuity of Hugo Chavez.

In our lands where our ancestors have walked, where some of the nation’s greatest leaders have lived, we have enormous wealth: water, gold, oil and other minerals. Today, the opposition wants to take these away from us. They want to steal our wealth. We stand before the world and affirm before President Maduro, that we will defend the homeland of Simón Bolívar and Chávez, the revolutionary process and achieve supreme happiness as Comandante Chávez always advocated.

We believe that working with youth will achieve everything that Comandante Chávez hoped for: freedom for the Venezuelan people, the Americas and the world. We are putting in our grain of salt, following the legacy of our Comandante Chávez, working with Afro-Venezuelan communities, working with the most impoverished in history to challenge an empire that wants to take over the whole world. We want to achieve what Comandante Chávez advocated for, support the world from our trenches and achieve socialism so all people are treated equally and that no one group of people or leaders are the only ones who have benefits in any nation.

Q: You’ve referred to the current political context and the strong attacks by the opposition against the Venezuelan people. How do you see the Afro-Venezuelan people’s contribution to defend the Revolutionary process?

A: As an organization, we are committed to fulfilling the Homeland Plan created by Chávez. He left us very specific tasks to carry out a socialist process not an an imperialist one. We are committed to supporting President Maduro and his administration. [The government] has been tainted by attacks ranging from the economic war to the media war. The opposition wants to eliminate the revolutionary process anyway possible not only here in Venezuela but in all of Latin America and the Caribbean. The right has waged attacks against the region and we see this in Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador for example. It is a grave situation. We as an organization raise our voice to denounce the US empire and we demand that they stop the attacks against the revolutionary government of Maduro and Chávez. We are convinced that socialism is the only way to live well and develop our communities.

Q: Speaking to the Bolivarian process, what has the Afro-Venezuelan movement in Acevedo and by extension, Barlovento been able to achieve in Revolution?

A: Over the years, we have done a lot. The principal achievement was that Chávez visibilized us. Before, we were invisibilized. In the process, we created the Law Against Racial Discrimination, the National Institute Against Racial Discrimination (INCODIR) and CONADECAFRO that fight in defense of our rights.

On a local level, we have built cumbes* and organize activities in Afro-Venezuelan communities. We have brought to light the struggles of our martyrs and our ancestors that were invisibilized by the Venezuelan right wing, who wouldn’t say why our leaders like Guillermo Ribas, Miguel Geróimo Guacamaya and Andresote among others were killed.

Chávez advocated for the happiness of our people and Afro-Venezuelans which is something we strive for today. But, the right attacks us and not only Afro-Venezuelans, but also the indigenous as well as the sex and gender diverse community. It isn’t in the right wing’s favor that Venezuelans live freely. They prefer us enslaved and under their thumb.

It is also important to mention that in Revolution President Chávez helped communities in New York by donating oil resources. Maduro’s government continues this tradition so people can survive the cold winters. Many people went without heating and President Chávez through an agreement with Black organizations gave them oil so they could have access to heating. This way people do not have to worry about their immediate needs and can organize.

These are achievements that the empire doesn’t want to name because it exposes the work they must do in Afro-descendant communities. They need to support the most impoverished. President Chávez used to say, it’s not that communities don’t want heating. It is because they do not have access because of the taxes empire imposes and the communities’ limited acquisitive power. As an act of solidarity, Chávez did this kind of work not only for the communities in New York but around the world.

“We Will Defend the Revolutionary Process”: Afro-Venezuelan Youth and Today's Struggle for Freedom


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
My understanding (Very very distant matrilineal family in Venezuela) is that

Maduro is the president of Venezuela, he Inhereted the presidency for Hugo Chavez when he died.. Mixed race leader of Venezuela who allowed Blacks to vote and wanted to donate heating oil to Blacks in Chicago and bankrupted his country by giving free oil to countries like JAmaica, Grenada and Haiti. (These countries are all overwhelmingly black.)

Maduro is facing EXTREME pressure from the largely white, upperclass minority in Venezuela (the people that Hugo Chavez stole all of the industries from, legislatively. and make pay more taxes) these are the nikkas whos great grandparents are from Europe.. They also still own alot of the conglomerates that run Venezuela and as per standard, hate black people (Venezuela has about 5m black ppl.)

So long story short, these upper class white people are staging protests and riots against Maduro (Who admittedly, is a very weak leader.. He's like Joe Biden is to Obama.) and stopping the economy from functioning, further adding to the general discontent. (It's like if Trump pissed off EVERY SINGLE supermarket CEO in the country and they all decided LOL OK SO NO MORE FOOD THEN MY nikka).

The Black people in Venezuela overwhelmingly support Maduro's government since it is the ideological continuity of Hugo Chavez.. The brother in this video found himself in the middle of a bunch of those upperclass whites and got manned down like that.. My point was though, it's more about them trying to take back their country (the industries.. Most of which are from America/europe) than it is about lynching black ppl.. Lynching is just how things go over there, white nikkas get lynched, black nikkas get lynched.
You're right about most things here the president of Venezuela is begging Caribbean governments to help them atm


Knowledge is the Greatest gift
Nov 19, 2016
opus dei
Allat shyt aside, THIS is why nikkas need to kill allat set-tripping "these blacks aint our blacks tho" mindset.. If we could fly 1000 inflential Black Americans out there (like the Jews do.) and and rally nikkas under the flag of Black nationalism then we could help shyt liek this from happening.. Gimme 500 hardbody Detroit nikkas and that whole crowd woulda been shleep.
On some real shyt im thinking about something like that getting together with like minded Black People and start buying up industries in these foreign countries (with sizable Black Populations) like cacs do and then transfer the wealth back to them.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Op you cool but I don't know about this one..are we 100% sure this happened because of his race?

There's a big Afro-Latino community in Venezuela and nobody fukk with them

There was a female poster here (or sohh)who used to live in Venezuela, she posted mostly in HL.
She dropped a lot of info


Her: I'm On My Monthly :Wakaokay: Your Mouth Not
Dec 26, 2015
:mjgrin:Always peep the same shyt. When talking about another race tokens love to go :whoa: 'wait breh, thats only some." "Its wasn't like that" "some of them cool peoples" etc etc.."

But talk about black folks the same tokens love to be on some :francis:" He right, its many" "thats why I dont hang out with black folks" "this is why others races dont respect or like us'' etc etc....

:mjpls: All hidden under the guise of I want my people to do better and pro blackness...


Mar 24, 2014
Seriously fukk latin America..
Black folks need to concentrate to create a buffer.0


May 17, 2013
but race is the reason Chavez wasn't popular in his own country or America. Empowering blacks in a white majority system never ends well for people tryin to fight white supremacy.

The political disagreement is attached to race
you're contradicting yourself, its because of his race he was widely popular in his country. RICH whites are the minority not the majority in venezuela.


May 28, 2012
I just got back from dinner... and I just wanna make some points whoever wanna take em into account good whoeva doesnt want to I dont give a fukk, this is my last post in this thread:

1. South America is different from the caribbean... Venezuela and Colombia are the only two big countries that have big caribbean populations in south america. With that bein said, Venezuela is more caribbean than colombia since most of Colombias population hails ethnically and culturally from the Andean mountains. When I say caribbean i mean with a large african background.

2. South America, especially Ecuador Colombia and Venezuela (all three once were part of a bigger nation called the Great Colombia, read up) dont share the same vision of race as the US (Why? because even tho there still is a white elite, they are the minority in all three countries where the majority if they were american citizens would identify themselves as mixed). Yes the small black populations have been isolated from the overalll society but this comes from a different process of conquest. Remember the end of slavery happened before in south america than in north america,and the number of african slaves shipped down there was smaller than in north america because the spanish conquered and slaved the natives, the english killed them.

3. Hugo Chavez and his regime includin current president Maduro are part of the majority mixed society in Venezuela and the northern part of south america. None of them are fully black and none of them care about the black population. Dont be naive and fall under the discourse that they are tryin to fight for the black populations. Hugo Chavez daughter lives in NYC and shes worth hundreds of millions of dollars that her father stole from the venezuelan people. All the high raking officials and business men who have profited from Hugo Chavez and Maduros reign have bought mansions and property in south florida where their families reside. That is a corrupt regime and they are not fightin for anyones rights but their own.

4. The social compostion in the northern part of south america (Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela) is very different from the US. The black populations in these three countries live segregated themselves from the rest of society because they formed militias during slavery to fight the repression and have chosen to stay in isolation because they dont feel part of these societes.

Please coli brehs dont fall under fake assumptions from people as misinformed as you are on this subject. There is racism in South America, as there is everywhere in the world, but not to the extreme like it happens here in America... Dont be afraid to travel the world for yourselves and learn about different cultures... trust me, as a black man who has travalled europe and south america, you will not be seeing as black but rather as an american, which is not better lol since the whole world hates us americans.


Mar 24, 2014
Please coli brehs dont fall under fake assumptions from people as misinformed as you are on this subject. There is racism in South America, as there is everywhere in the world, but not to the extreme like it happens here in America... Dont be afraid to travel the world for yourselves and learn about different cultures... trust me, as a black man who has travalled europe and south america, you will not be seeing as black but rather as an american, which is not better lol since the whole world hates us americans.

So they treat your Black ass like dog shyt over there till you open your mouth and an American accent spills that what you are selling?


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
'Latin America'

Venezuela is only 1 country. How does that one country represent an entire continent?


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
I just got back from dinner... and I just wanna make some points whoever wanna take em into account good whoeva doesnt want to I dont give a fukk, this is my last post in this thread:

1. South America is different from the caribbean... Venezuela and Colombia are the only two big countries that have big caribbean populations in south america. With that bein said, Venezuela is more caribbean than colombia since most of Colombias population hails ethnically and culturally from the Andean mountains. When I say caribbean i mean with a large african background.

2. South America, especially Ecuador Colombia and Venezuela (all three once were part of a bigger nation called the Great Colombia, read up) dont share the same vision of race as the US (Why? because even tho there still is a white elite, they are the minority in all three countries where the majority if they were american citizens would identify themselves as mixed). Yes the small black populations have been isolated from the overalll society but this comes from a different process of conquest. Remember the end of slavery happened before in south america than in north america,and the number of african slaves shipped down there was smaller than in north america because the spanish conquered and slaved the natives, the english killed them.

3. Hugo Chavez and his regime includin current president Maduro are part of the majority mixed society in Venezuela and the northern part of south america. None of them are fully black and none of them care about the black population. Dont be naive and fall under the discourse that they are tryin to fight for the black populations. Hugo Chavez daughter lives in NYC and shes worth hundreds of millions of dollars that her father stole from the venezuelan people. All the high raking officials and business men who have profited from Hugo Chavez and Maduros reign have bought mansions and property in south florida where their families reside. That is a corrupt regime and they are not fightin for anyones rights but their own.

4. The social compostion in the northern part of south america (Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela) is very different from the US. The black populations in these three countries live segregated themselves from the rest of society because they formed militias during slavery to fight the repression and have chosen to stay in isolation because they dont feel part of these societes.

Please coli brehs dont fall under fake assumptions from people as misinformed as you are on this subject. There is racism in South America, as there is everywhere in the world, but not to the extreme like it happens here in America... Dont be afraid to travel the world for yourselves and learn about different cultures... trust me, as a black man who has travalled europe and south america, you will not be seeing as black but rather as an american, which is not better lol since the whole world hates us americans.
This is all nothing but lies and bullshyt. Stop trying to educate others when you don't know shyt. Way too many lies and innacuracies for me to waste my time educating you. Read a fukking book and stop talking to morons.

Go back to your dinner and slap whomever told you all this bullshyt you typed.

Ultimately, white supremacists still run and control most south American countries. fukk outta here with all this misinformation.

And for the record, slavery persisted in South America well after it was banned in North America .

Secondly, far more slaves were shipped to south America than north America moron.

Thirdly, tons of people of non African descent live in the Carribean.

Again you're an idiot.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Sounds like OP needs to get an accurate reading of the situation and not make everything about race :mjlol:.

Pretend to know what's going down in non English speaking countries brehs.


May 28, 2012
This is all nothing but lies and bullshyt. Stop trying to educate others when you don't know shyt. Way too many lies and innacuracies for me to waste my time educating you. Read a fukking book and stop talking to morons.

Go back to your dinner and slap whomever told you all this bullshyt you typed.

Ultimately, white supremacists still run and control most south American countries. fukk outta here with all this misinformation.

And for the record, slavery persisted in South America well after it was banned in North America .

Secondly, far more slaves were shipped to south America than north America moron.

Thirdly, tons of people of non African descent live in the Carribean.

Again you're an idiot.
Preach Malcom