Julius Skrrvin
I be winkin' through the scope
Higher quality version:
can u do it with the cocky lean in the seat and his arm pirched?
So drug companies should just create novel drugs and hand them out for free like candy?
I think the companies should aim to reduce prices in India to increase distribution but drug companies have to make money too or else they'll cease to exist.
In some cases yes. Especially when they could actually stop certain diseases from spreading. They control many patents that come from the research of others, and have fought generics they didn't even invent that could have cured or eliminated many diseases. If they didn't exist in their current capacity, hell, we as a country(US) would be a lot healthier.
They didn't sell their formulas. Indians bought the real product and reverse engineered it. They basically stole the drug from Bayer.
will 3rd world countries ever get this medicine?
And this is shocking to you people? Corporations, not individuals dictate the outcome of life and death. This is the world we live in folks, Stalin would be proud.
Serious question as I can see both sides of the debate. On one side, you have a big business that invested billions into finding a cure. On the other side are the people that need the treatment but can't afford it due to astronomical pricing.
The cost of manufacturing this drug is very small. The cost of developing it is huge - in the billions. In order for this company to recoup their initial investment, they have to set a high price. India undercuts the price by a lot and kills Bayers revenue. If India replicates all American drugs, what incentive do American companies have to develop cures and solutions for diseases?
If American bio companies lose money creating new drugs, why create them?
RIGHT when I was thinking about taking CAC out of my vocabulary.
This shyt is just wayy too much.