Neva missin a beat
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2 chainz just got robbed out in frisco vids just urls..I was hoping to resurrect the goat thread on this whole site
I wonder if this is just a setting issue that can be changed/fixed...
finally got them converted...had to wait for our new server to do it
Hella rappers been robbed in Frisco.Young Buck and Nas come to mind. Nas had to holla at JT the Bigga Figga to get his chain back after it got ganked. Rumor has it that Young Buck got robbed in the Point.
Outta towners swear that Frisco is soft because of the tourist rep and errybody thinking Frisco is all gay. But rappers always want to go to the hood. These studio gangstas be thinking the hood is across the bridge in the Town but are always given a reality check when stepping to HP, Sunnydale, Lakeview, Fillmoe, PH etc.
This the side of Frisco the mainstream media doesn't talk about:
@CSquare43 or any bay cats who remember Tabb Doe
Been tryna find this video/song for years. Andy Kawanami used to play the video constantly on CMC, 94' or 95' I think. The group was definitely outta Frisco but they didn't sound like they from the bay, they was kickin knowledge and at the end of the video, this Rappin 4 Tay lookin cat would be doing the get low with some gazelles on.
My potna swear up and down it was this cat^^^^
But the hook on the song I'm talkin about was a reggae type hook, he also said Andy Kawanami directed the video to this up in Lakeview
Any of yall remember the video/song?