Still can't get in smh
We got a discord setup for this? Trying to run some games when I get off work.
Go through the MW2019 thread here. Majority hate it.
Apex Legends is bigger than Titanfall.. Like 80% of apex players never played titanfall..
Everything ain't for everybodyi'm sure many people will. The satisfaction of winning a BR game vs winning a team game with 128 players is just a huge difference. This game full of bugs. No way this shyt drops until like March..
Apex Legends is also free. That’s a huge barrier of entry knocked down. You don’t have a fear of losing out anything if you didn’t pay for it.
My Ghost Recon analogy made more sense because if the game is shyt, no one going to play it. If Battlefield is shyt, no one will wait around for a game mode when the main servers are empty.
Everything ain't for everybody![]()
All BRs are free.. My point stands.. The base game and BR game are totally different.
exactly and this shyt ain't for me. BRs are basically the hunger games.. Warzone has more watchers than Cold War and MW combined.. How could you play an objective game with 128 people when about 100 people in the lobby don't even care about the objective they just want kills.
I don’t know what’s the crux of your argument and maybe something was lost. What was your point again?
My position is Battlefield fans don’t care about BR compared to the integrity of the game they’re playing. Conquest satisfies that open war sandbox fantasy that Battlefield been known for. Introducing BR mechanics robs what’s fun about Battlefield. I don’t want to walk five minutes to get shot by third party. I don’t want to get strafed by a heli.
You want a different game than what’s being offered, that’s fine and more power to you but DICE has said numerous times they’re not offering a traditional BR experience and the main game will be their focus. You’re looking for something that’s not present here.
I prefer team deathmatch or objective modes on smaller maps personally