If General Los say we byke, We byke

(saw you on this morning)
Haven't heard from Major
@Mowgli yet or Captain
I played this morning for 30 minutes.
The visuals are acceptable. The draw distance is solid.
Looks like slightly better than a PS4 pro game but not by much. Draw distances are everything
Maybe it's an attachment thing but ADS was slow going from running to aiming
The stock shotgun is trash. It took like four hits to drop somebody at 15 m
The beta is hella jittery. the movements look like a bunch of people are lag switching
graphical pop in is happening all over the place.
It's definitely very buggy. I got in the elevator while the door was still closed. When we got to the top floor it said ding dong but the door didn't open. I just walked through a closed door and exited the elevator.
All you get is a tiny dot for a hip fire reticle with the shotgun. I couldn't even get one shot killed with that b**** in a staircase.
The sound is not very loud. Explosions don't hit like that in headphones.
The parachute does not drift very hard. You better be around top of that building if you plan on jumping out of a helicopter onto an enemy. You also better be high up in the air if you're far away.
It seems like assault is going to be the don of this game.
I hopped in the tank and I feel like I have Parkinson's.
The destruction is purely on small exterior buildings and the insides are barren with not much to break up.
People say the map is huge and has a lot of dead space and I didn't get that vibe but again I only play 30 minutes I had teammates all over the map so I was kind of able to experience a good portion of the map without feeling stranded.