nikkaz comparing BB to Captain America and Thor now 

its not very hard to topple the ironman trilogy when there has only been one good movie.Ironman
Man Of Steel
Batman Begins
And I am of the camp of the batman trilogy being the strongest out of the 3 when its all said in done.
thisDonner's Superman and Iron Man are both better.
Still haven't seen Man of Steel.
Batman Begins is one of the best Batman films ever made, but people still tend to overrate the fukk out of it. Overlooking some of the shytty performances and fight scenes.
i wouldnt say it seemed like another trivial comic book movie cuz that sounds snooty.However i never understood how ppl could praise it for its realism and then overlook the asscheeks for a plot it had.And scarecrow and ral al ghul just didnt seem like the right villians for the shyt nolan was trying to pullbatman begins had the POTENTIAL of being the best origin story. the 1st half was flawless on with how he was trained, why he became who he is, and a realistic approach to becoming batman, but the moment he donned the cape and it went downhill into another trivial comic book movie.
the 1st ironman i had on the top of the list until MAN OF STEEL came along.
a lot of these young cats have probably never seen itSuperman 78 is still the best origin film.
that fact that u use the word easily indicates your judgement is impaired most likely by fanboyismBB>>>>
ahh youngstahsBrehs. Superman 78 is garbage now. I'm just gonna say it. It is. I appreciate older movies. But I can't take that shyt seriously
nikkaz comparing BB to Captain America and Thor now![]()
Im prob the only person who thinks Cap is the best origin story ever