So they delayed this game? looks like there's no reason for me to spend $400 on either of these systems. I will stick to my 360 in wait until next year to buy a DelayStation 4 or a DelayBoxone.
I don't consider Scarecrow the main villain in that plus I'd rather see Scarecrow in a more fictional setting, not Nolan's realistic one because the possibilities would be endlessYou've never seen Batman Begins or you want more than that?
I'm not even Mad. I actually am surprised it took this long for them to Push it back, you can't rush Perfection.Officially pushed back to 2015
Batman: Arkham Knight release date slips to 2015 •
smh damn...guess I will be getting my p4 next year thenfukk this gen
rocksteady and WB new this game wasn't dropping until next year. They just wanted to get them pre-order sells in