Barbary Lion vs Siberian Tiger


Jan 30, 2016

The comments here is always the best...always people who say they are inverse the experts.

On the graphics part, gota agree it sucks, even how they cost played it, lion running into tiger like both were couldnt see the other, but that was just the graphic designer...overall there was some power house experts with degrees on that subject...heres the cast and team of animal face of lion vs tiger:

Frank mendel:


Scott H woodward

"There were other stuff that they did not show," said Woodward. "It was inappropriate though, it was some old footage where they threw a tiger and a lion into a pit. The lion was more dominant while the tiger just gave up. None of the cats were interested in finishing the other off."

In addition to Mendel and Woodward, the UB team developing the Vertebrate Analyzer includes

- Kevin Chugh, Ph.D., NYSCEDII research associate for visualization;
- Kevin Hulme, Ph.D., NYSCEDII's research associate for engineering design;
- Venkat Krovi, Ph.D., assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering;
- David R. Pendergast, Ph.D., professor of physiology and biophysics, and
- Abani Patra, Ph.D., associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

And they featured:

Samantha Stephens


A Zoologist from New Zealand for Animal Planet, said:

"A male lion spends the first 4 years of its life just developing him self into a fighting machine, its his whole focus fighting to take over a pride, defending it for others." Dave Salmoni a tiger guy, later agreed with her.

David salmoni

He's a zoologist, a renowned animal trainer, a television presenter and a producer with his own South Africa-based production company, his love for animals. In 1998, Salmoni began his apprenticeship as an animal trainer at Bowmanville Zoological Park near Toronto, one of the world's largest humane-credited providers of highly trained animals. Salmoni focused on large cat training and has been training large cats as well as other predators since then.Salmoni was offered a life-changing opportunity to be the first to travel with two captive-bred Bengal tigers to Africa and train them how to hunt and survive in the wild. Following this experience, Salmoni lived among African lions for three months in an attempt to show that lions and humans can co exsist in the same area.

David salmoni says:

He’d give the edge to a lion in a fight with a tiger, even with a 150 lb advantage.

“To get a tiger to want to fight you is pretty hard,” says Salmoni. “Tigers don’t like to fight. They hunt to kill and eat. That’s it.” Unlike lions, which grow up in groups and are used to sparring, tigers are solitary animals, responsible for their own food and survival, Salmoni says. They will take the risk to fight only “if they feel they have to.

So its not as if there were brain dead people who put it together, there were people with P.hd's on I dont know where all these commentators go an criticize the team who havent an ounce of studying them or any history of working with either or even seeing a wild tiger and lion. As for the comments, I still dont understand the notion that the tiger is a lone hunter thus more experience, on basic logic this makes no sense. All this goes back to the notion that tigers...are suppose to be bigger.

Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
This guy made this thread with his stance already locked in his mind.

Lets be real breh. More tigers have killed lions in captivity than the other way around.

Tigers kill Guar buffalo on their own in Asia, meanwhile in Africa, the entire pride has to get bloody to bring down a water buffalo.
Guar are the largest buffalo species in the world.

Tigers are more prone to boxing their rivals. The mane means nothing when the exposed jaw of the lion is viciously broken by a lightening fast paw strike.
Again, has been documented.

The prevalence of lionized art in antiquity means nothing in this fight, as the kingly look of the animal made it more popular.

True fact is the lion doesn't even live in the jungle, they're plains animals.

Lastly, how are you going to stack this match by putting the smallest tiger against what we believe to have been the largest lion?

Intellectually dishonest much?


All Star
Dec 9, 2015
Question Lion Brehs We keep hearing how the tiger can't penetrate the lions mane then How do other male lions kill other male lions? Answer that question there, all they do is fight so if a lion can kill a lion what the hell makes you think a Tiger which is bigger, stronger, faster, more agile and has much bigger canines can't defeat a lion?
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Jan 30, 2016
This guy made this thread with his stance already locked in his mind.

Lets be real breh. More tigers have killed lions in captivity than the other way around.

Tigers kill Guar buffalo on their own in Asia, meanwhile in Africa, the entire pride has to get bloody to bring down a water buffalo.
Guar are the largest buffalo species in the world.

Tigers are more prone to boxing their rivals. The mane means nothing when the exposed jaw of the lion is viciously broken by a lightening fast paw strike.
Again, has been documented.

The prevalence of lionized art in antiquity means nothing in this fight, as the kingly look of the animal made it more popular.

True fact is the lion doesn't even live in the jungle, they're plains animals.

Lastly, how are you going to stack this match by putting the smallest tiger against what we believe to have been the largest lion?

Intellectually dishonest much?

Cool story bro.


Jan 30, 2016
Question Lion Brehs We keep hearing how the tiger can't penetrate the lions mane then How do other male lions kill other male lions? Answer that question there, all they do is fight so if a lion can kill a lion what the hell makes you think a Tiger which is bigger, stronger, faster, more agile and has much bigger canines can't defeat a lion?

No one is saying a tiger cant defeat a lion, there are a few times it happened, most wanna know who would win in a series of bouts...My opinion? I dont really care, just wanted to share some facts that most of the sites on the web is either hiding or ignorant about. The lions kill each other by overwhelming the other with numbers, usually targeting the rump area and exposed or unprotected places of the mane...the mane isnt impenetrable, but it is a good defensive anatomy, look at the bottom part:
The african lions mane:

Dead tigers with their necks torn out (with the scientist confirming the puncture wounds by claws and fangs) turn up all the time, could you show me a huge mane dead lion with his neck torn out in the wild? I haven't seen one yet. The mane can be bypassed but it will take a huge amount of effort ripping it out, does the tiger have that much gas in the tank? I would assume no. My question to all the dead tigers with their necks punctured sure are they that instead of assuming it was in a fight with another tiger...that the tigers weren't killed by another...leopard.

I think thats an honest question.
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humble forever

All Star
Jun 4, 2014
I think bengals and siberians are at a stand off in weight too, atleast according to the older records siberians could hit 850 lbs on several cases, the bengal too, as shown in the bonus round thread had its records:



Interestingly though, this is the 800+ pound tiger:

To me that looks more like a 400-500 lb tiger than a 800 lb'er...some 300 lb tigers can be just as long and there isnt much of bulk, atleast I would invision some giant, but you have what looks like an ordinary looking tiger.

But the same source people attribute that the Siberian is slightly taller. Which is interesting since the bonus round thread showed surat india had many 12 foot long tigers, surat is the same district that a wild indian lion killed a tiger in a fair one on one fight in the wilderness...hence I dont see the small superficial size advantage alleged by some others meaning anything. But the siberian tiger named Jaipur holds the record for tigers:



But this is by over feeding, not natural, a tiger this size would be highly immobile. But regardless as noted, tigers and lions both average in at about 420 lbs...500 lb tigers are rare, 600 lb tigers are extreme and 700+ lb tigers are once in a life time. Both bengal and siberian can hit 700+ lbs, but its in general the siberian is bigger since some bengals can be as small as 90 kg, roughly the size of a large leopard, hence the bengal on average is smaller than the siberian. But those are abnormal. And like I said, even a tiger at 1,000 pounds, has a skinny neck roughly the same size of the persons waist, a lions neck is 2 - 3 x the size of a persons waist or body because of the mane, you always hear the saying the lions mane intimidates the hyena, the hyena dont run even from 20 lionesses or 10 young sub adult males, but they do from a single male with a big mane...

This actually makes sense why the dhole kill tigers, if a predator foe looks at a charging tiger or lion, they dont see the whole body, they just see the face/neck area, and the tigers neck is skinny in proportion to this already lithe body,but the lions mane is 2 feet long, 4 feet across if you factor in each side, so when a lion is charging hyena, it seems as if a animal bigger than a 2,000 lb brown bear is rushing at them, hence they usually run.

But again, a tiger larger than 700 lbs will have his disadvantages in a fight with a lion:

So its more upon the fighting skill of these animals than the size.
idk man, all the modern sources i've seen say the siberian is the largest. and it makes sense to me

btw if you have netflix Tiger:spy in the jungle is pretty interesting. shows some bengal cubs growing up and their mom feeding them
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Jan 30, 2016
idk man, all the modern sources i've seen say the siberian is the largest. and it makes sense to me

Yeah, I think you could be right, there is after all a scientific theorized opinion made on it:
Bergmann's rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which makes sense, polar bears biggest of the bears are in the north, the siberian tigers live in the north, and barbary lions live in the north africa...they all represent the biggest of their clads...again siberians are no big now because there is only a small population, this takes out natural selection, natural selection works by having only the biggest and strongest out compete the weaker ones passing on their genes, for a small population, they will have to make due with only what ever is around...I personally think the olden day 850+ lb Siberian tigers we hear about are true.

humble forever

All Star
Jun 4, 2014
Yeah, I think you could be right, there is after all a scientific theorized opinion made on it:
Bergmann's rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which makes sense, polar bears biggest of the bears are in the north, the siberian tigers live in the north, and barbary lions live in the north africa...they all represent the biggest of their clads...again siberians are no big now because there is only a small population, this takes out natural selection, natural selection works by having only the biggest and strongest out compete the weaker ones passing on their genes, for a small population, they will have to make due with only what ever is around...I personally think the olden day 850+ lb Siberian tigers we hear about are true.
looks like your line of thought may be more correct
"According to a study by Valerius Geist in 1986, Bergmann's rule is false: the correlation with temperature is spurious; instead, Geist found that body size is proportional to the duration of the annual productivity pulse, or food availability per animal during the growing season.[17]"

mine was simply "it's cold so they need to bulk up" but it's a pretty simple theory.

kinda sad there are only like 4-500 Siberian tigers left. I wonder why we don't have any up in canada or alaska. too much competition from our cougars and bears? idk


You're minor, we're major
May 1, 2012
The Barbary lion doesn't exist anymore in the wild. There are a few in captvity but from testing, there doesn't seem to be any "pure" barbary lion around.


Jan 30, 2016
looks like your line of thought may be more correct
"According to a study by Valerius Geist in 1986, Bergmann's rule is false: the correlation with temperature is spurious; instead, Geist found that body size is proportional to the duration of the annual productivity pulse, or food availability per animal during the growing season.[17]"

mine was simply "it's cold so they need to bulk up" but it's a pretty simple theory.

kinda sad there are only like 4-500 Siberian tigers left. I wonder why we don't have any up in canada or alaska. too much competition from our cougars and bears? idk

Thats cool, as for tigers not in america, could be the same reason why tigers never made it to africa, there are caspian tigers on the border of Eurasia, but tigers never did steak out a claim where there are tough competition directly out of asia, america has upto 50 wolves in a pack, and africa can have up to 50 hyenas in a clan, leopards and pumas can coexist with wolves/hyenas because they take up to trees even with small branches, a big tiger wouldnt be able to that, even cheetahs would atleast out run the hyenas until it can get to cover. Theres wolves in russia but conflict between them and tigers are almost never mentioned, as I would think the packs are smaller. so again the tiger is usually dominated by wild dogs, so the tiger doesnt seem to do well against heavy competition.


You're minor, we're major
May 1, 2012
i dont know if you have mentioned that tigers have an extremely low tolerance for pain, like if they are hurt example a hurt paw they can often starve because the pain is difficult for a tiger (they are inable to hunt). that alone and the fact that lions fight till their guts are hanging out even against land animals with the highest bite force (hyenas) like 3 or 4 of them at a time. lion verses a tiger will end up depending on the duration like a geek 6ft6 dude verses prime iron mike tyson there is no challenge.

thats why for years and years the term 'lion heart' are given to the greatest of men :ohlawd:

You need to mention that lions also live in groups in which often the females are the ones in charge of hunting. Tigers are solitary animals and an injured tiger that can't hunt or defend itself is as good as gone.


All Star
Dec 9, 2015
I am currently at work, Ive been looking at lion and tiger fights all morning. Productivity for the day is out the window :francis: these Coli animal threads at the goats.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
shyt like this is why I can't believe we are a product of evolution/natural selection alone. We are the worst thing that ever happen to the planet. We choose to operate outside of the balance of nature. :wow:
Word we can pretty much blow up the Earth.

Thankfully, God won't let us.