Marylin Mosby is a thoro sister.....very beautiful too.

But I bet you won't see mainstream media courting her around on TV praising her like that mom who beat on her son for rioting

She's the kinda black woman that strikes fear into these devils.....Her husband is thoro too from what I seen. Now thats some black excellence for yo ass
I'm excited about the cops finally getting charged but I have to put a limit on that excitement because its only the first step. Step 2 is too see what the Jury will look like. This was a case where rioting actually payed off...All of you "Rioting doesn't solve problems" crowd need to eat your words and admit you were wrong. We have the youth to thank for this....the same youth muthafukkas were saying were thugs, savages, needed discipline and be arrested.
Yes, I'm talking to you new blacks, c00ns and racist cacs. fukk yall