I guarantee that none of the nikka nerds in this thread who are making excuses for the parents have a child(ren).
Baltimore City Schools are actually one of the most well funded public schools in the nation -
U.S. Census: Six Maryland Schools Among Nation’s Most Funded
Per pupil spending according to 2020 U.S. Census report:
- New York City -------------------- $26,588
- Boston ----------------------------- $24,177
- Atlanta ----------------------------- $16,402
- Montgomery County ------------ $16,005
- Baltimore City -------------------- $15,793
- Howard County (6) -------------- $15,595
- Prince George’s County (8) ----- $15,334
- Baltimore County (15) ---------- $14,122
- Anne Arundel County (17) ----- $13,866
That sounds good but School Tracking makes this not a meaningful statistic. Why? Because schools that are integrated typically have two separate schools in one...they funnel all the Whites and Asians into AP classes and those classes have all the resources. All the Black kids go to the regular classes with the old textbooks, computers, etc.
The practice of separating students according to ability level, also known as academic tracking, allows racially mixed schools to maintain segregated classrooms.
I went to a school like this where my classes were so broke they couldn't even make copies of the homework for us to take home. But the Whites and Asians in AP classes which were effectively segregated from everyone else didnt have that issue.