I just watched her whole rant video.
I agree with her. Young kids (pre-K and early elementary) are handed cellphones and tablets before they can even talk, plus they see their parents/adults consumed by the same tech all the time, so it creates a lot of the issues she was speaking about. Kids not having any attention span, kids can't focus, kids can't take directions, kids aren't communicating like they should be at 5 and 6 etc. Really, she was spot on with her analysis. And a lot of it does start at home. Parents have to be active with their kids, have conversation with them, build up their vocabulary... don't let them learn all that from these screens.
It's not easy, and I even recognize that we all can be better at putting the tech down and engaging with your family on a real level. But if you're not acknowledging this at all and don't even think it's necessary to monitor usage for kids then that's a problem. I remember when I was in elementary, the big thing for my generation was video games (Genesis, Super Nintendo and then Playstation later on). My mom noticed how much time I was spending on that stuff, and basically put a rule in place that there were no video games during the week... only on the weekends. It helped that my parents had me in sports and other after school programs as well.
But something as little as that stuck with me for the rest of my life. It instilled the concept of prioritizing things at an early age. To this day, I can't really indulge in leisure activities when I know I have more important things that need to be done or taken care of.