Bakari Sellers Interview With The Breakfast Club --One of the youngest elected black officials

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Poor White receive and disproportional amount of government subsidies. You really think old White men would allow for Black people to increase their economic base so easily?

This is a non-sequitur, reactionary comment that has NOTHING to do with anything.

What does government money have to do with black sustenance?

They ain't gonna GIVE you shyt. So instead of you stating the obvious, what are you going to do to INSPIRE the change to overcome it?


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
This is a non-sequitur, reactionary comment that has NOTHING to do with anything.

What does government money have to do with black sustenance?

They ain't gonna GIVE you shyt. So instead of you stating the obvious, what are you going to do to INSPIRE the change to overcome it?

You made the comparison to Blacks with poor Whites. Your comparison is disingenuous.

I think not supporting Black people who are in a position of power but have no allegiance to their race would be a start.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
But everything you're saying doesn't matter since you're DEFINITELY not getting shyt from the government.

They're not going to just write people of "melanin" a cheque.

That ship has sailed.

Neither I or anyone in this thread brought up reparations, so not sure why you went there

So now you're left with this.

Surface disenfranchisement of blacks.

Not codifed as in years past.

Surface disenfranchisement? So in a city like Baltimore, MD where the majority of the population is black, why are the majority of the government contracts going to non blacks? Let me guess, blacks just need to work harder :comeon:

But its more subtle. can't just say they're against you now. They're not...on paper.

:pachaha: are you serious?

Mayor Bloomberg on Stop-and-Frisk: ‘We Disproportionately Stop Whites Too Much and Minorities Too Little’

On the defense after the City Council passed a pair of bills designed to curb the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk tactic and other alleged abuses, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said today that his critics had it backwards when they accuse the police of stopping too many black and Latino men. In fact, he bluntly declared the opposite to be true if viewed through a lens of who commits murders.

“I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little,” Mr. Bloomberg argued during his Friday morning WOR radio show with John Gambling. “It’s exactly the reverse of what they say. I don’t know where they went to school but they certainly didn’t take a math course. Or a logic course.”

Mr. Bloomberg, repeating a line similar to one Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has used before, was contending that the NYPD’s stops should be compared to the racial breakdown of murder suspects, not the the city’s overall demographics.

“They just keep saying, ‘Oh, it’s a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group,’” Mr. Bloomberg said, dismissively. “That may be, but it’s not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the murder.”

The mayor has been mounting an aggressive campaign since the City Council passed the Community Safety Act with veto-proof majorities earlier this week. When and if the veto override occurs, the bills will install an NYPD inspector general and expand the definition of racial profiling to include categories like gender identity and housing status.

But Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Kelly insist the bills will hamper the police department’s operations, ultimately resulting in more murders across the five boroughs.

“Unfortunately, I can’t give you the list of names of who would have been killed,” Mr. Bloomberg said, touting the city’s record-low murder rate and attributing it to NYPD tactics like stop-and-frisk. “I suspect if you can get that list from God or something, you’d have a lot of people saying, ‘What are you crazy?’”

And this ain't even the south. That's NYC the city I grew up where the mayor is saying they need to stop and frisk more black men when they've had more stop and frisks of black men than the total number of black men in the city :mindblown:

So how are you going to beat the system?

Asking for MORE legal "protection?"

Not gonna happen. Especially after Obama.

Dude, most of the barriers to success have been removed.

When did those barriers get removed?

The bootstraps IS kinda something we're not pushing enough. Not all whites, asians, or indians out here are just gifted like they. They push and work hard.

So I ask why we're not doing the same. A lot of it is choice...and some of it is a destructive culture (which is a can of worms the militants wanna ignore)

Whites aren't ahead because they've worked harder and used their "boot straps". Again you're ignoring the entire history of this country to make that statement. You want me to start posting statistics showing that even having a black sounding name you're 50% less likely to get a job. Or having a black sounding name you're more likely to get denied a loan. Or a black person with a bachelors have the same job prospects as a white person with a record?

The playing field currently is not equal in any capacity.


Complaining about racism?


Now what?

The HARD work often goes overlooked...but it creates the longest lasting results.

Kids MUST be pushed harder and farther. Theres no way around it. Kids MUST major in better topics.

Kids MUST be forced to "stop chasing entertainment dreams"

"racism" ain't going anywhere...just like stupidity aint going anywhere.

My solution is what Garvey suggested. Black people need their own government because in this country we'll never be treated fairly. When Garvey was alive, all of Africa was under the bondage of colonialism. In 2014 a lot of black countries now have gained their political independence in some capacity.

My solution is blacks in America need to collectively work with an African nation in an attempt to be granted provisional citizenship so whenever we're subjected to the brutality of white supremacy we have an ally who can actually do something about it.

My solution is to make our economic base be outside of the American social order because they've made it crystal clear they'll never deal with us fairly.

My solution is NOT to ignore racism and white supremacy, but to actually fight it. The first step is to stop acting like it disappeared after the Civil Rights Act was signed and MLK and X were popped.

And I noticed you still haven't responded to my original post when you mentioned it wasn't about racism, it's about classism :mjpls:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Hate Speech
Neither I or anyone in this thread brought up reparations, so not sure why you went there

Surface disenfranchisement? So in a city like Baltimore, MD where the majority of the population is black, why are the majority of the government contracts going to non blacks? Let me guess, blacks just need to work harder :comeon:.

can you PROVE its based on racism though?

Thats the point.

:pachaha: are you serious?

And this ain't even the south. That's NYC the city I grew up where the mayor is saying they need to stop and frisk more black men when they've had more stop and frisks of black men than the total number of black men in the city :mindblown:

What does this have to do with a busted school in south carolina?

And who said I supported this policy?
When did those barriers get removed?

I don't know if you know this or not...but when Obama leaves office, its sink or swim for black people.

Theres no real excuses out here.

Whites aren't ahead because they've worked harder and used their "boot straps". Again you're ignoring the entire history of this country to make that statement. You want me to start posting statistics showing that even having a black sounding name you're 50% less likely to get a job. Or having a black sounding name you're more likely to get denied a loan. Or a black person with a bachelors have the same job prospects as a white person with a record?

The playing field currently is not equal in any capacity.

Is that due to racism?

I KNOW all of these stats.

Mind you...i'm a black male myself...I just am a bit more of a realist when it comes to sucking it up and putting in MY effort to get the job done.

There are policies in place to TECHNICALLY alleviate some of that though.

So again, I don't see how this just "gets better" regardless.

My solution is what Garvey suggested. Black people need their own government because in this country we'll never be treated fairly. When Garvey was alive, all of Africa was under the bondage of colonialism. In 2014 a lot of black countries now have gained their political independence in some capacity.

Yeah...thats bullshyt.

"black government" is as flawed of a concept as any.

This is why i'm not "pro-black" as much as I am "pro-equality"

Cause "blackness" doesn't exist...we didn't create it. They did.

Its a reactionary term, not an assertion.

And I don't know what you mean by "treated fairly" either...

Let me know when shyt gets like South Africa where theres MINORITY whites running things.

I'm telling you that POPULATION counts.

I also happen to think you don't live in a black city or have much connection to one.

ATL. DC. Houston.

There are places where minorities are making shyt happen.

My solution is blacks in America need to collectively work with an African nation in an attempt to be granted provisional citizenship so whenever we're subjected to the brutality of white supremacy we have an ally who can actually do something about it.

First off.

fukk Africa.

I said it.

I'm not going back to some place where I'm not even from on the basis that they "look" like me.

hell, genetically, two africans down the street from each other share less DNA than probably you or I do.

This is a bullshyt statement by scared nikkas who don't wanna put in work to force the walls around them to capitulate to their forces.

My solution is to make our economic base be outside of the American social order because they've made it crystal clear they'll never deal with us fairly.

So leave america then.

I don't see what all this expatriot business is gonna do for you...cause America ain't obligated to give you shyt.

You gotta take it.

Trying to think you can "get even" by being an external force is bullshyt.

My solution is NOT to ignore racism and white supremacy, but to actually fight it. The first step is to stop acting like it disappeared after the Civil Rights Act was signed and MLK and X were popped

Are you a teenager?

cause this statement is devoid of any new, or challenging information.

NO ONE is ignoring racism.

I've experienced...and I see it damn near every day.

But does that stop me?

Thats the point here.

What is your goal besides pretending to be a counterrevolutionary with no plan?

If you hate america so much...then leave! I'm sure you'd love to go back to countless african countries who lack the infrastructure to even educate their own people.

I'm trying to make America work for me...not the other way around.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Show me evidence that he does. @bdizzle is pretty convincing.

He has no evidence other than "black people just need to try harder."

And it's funny he's saying blacks need to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and completely ignore the fact that when blacks did exactly that, whites came and literally burned our cities to the ground.

We've all heard about Tulsa, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. It happened in Wilmington, NC; Atlanta, GA, and countless other predominately black cities.

But he, they probably did it because they were sports rivals, not because they were black.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That's pretty much all I needed to read. Having a black sounding name makes you less likely to get a job or a loan, and this nikka said is that due to racism :mjlol:

You ain't telling me how to overcome it though.

Education classes on "why sharquisha shouldn't be overlooked for a job" are going to go so far.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
He has no evidence other than "black people just need to try harder."


And it's funny he's saying blacks need to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and completely ignore the fact that when blacks did exactly that, whites came and literally burned our cities to the ground.

This isn't 1921 though.

Even then... you say this as some sort of if whites are just going "stand aside"


Unless you scared :usure:

Sounds like to me, all you wanna do is nut up and complain.

We've all heard about Tulsa, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. It happened in Wilmington, NC; Atlanta, GA, and countless other predominately black cities.

But he, they probably did it because they were sports rivals, not because they were black.

More victimization...not enough answers.

You know Walmart has a sale on tissues, right? :umad:


Jun 24, 2013
can you PROVE its based on racism though?

Thats the point.

What does this have to do with a busted school in south carolina?

And who said I supported this policy?

I don't know if you know this or not...but when Obama leaves office, its sink or swim for black people.

Theres no real excuses out here.

Is that due to racism?

I KNOW all of these stats.

Mind you...i'm a black male myself...I just am a bit more of a realist when it comes to sucking it up and putting in MY effort to get the job done.

There are policies in place to TECHNICALLY alleviate some of that though.

So again, I don't see how this just "gets better" regardless.

Yeah...thats bullshyt.

"black government" is as flawed of a concept as any.

This is why i'm not "pro-black" as much as I am "pro-equality"

Cause "blackness" doesn't exist...we didn't create it. They did.

Its a reactionary term, not an assertion.

And I don't know what you mean by "treated fairly" either...

Let me know when shyt gets like South Africa where theres MINORITY whites running things.

I'm telling you that POPULATION counts.

I also happen to think you don't live in a black city or have much connection to one.

ATL. DC. Houston.

There are places where minorities are making shyt happen.

First off.

fukk Africa.

I said it.

I'm not going back to some place where I'm not even from on the basis that they "look" like me.

hell, genetically, two africans down the street from each other share less DNA than probably you or I do.

This is a bullshyt statement by scared nikkas who don't wanna put in work to force the walls around them to capitulate to their forces.

So leave america then.

I don't see what all this expatriot business is gonna do for you...cause America ain't obligated to give you shyt.

You gotta take it.

Trying to think you can "get even" by being an external force is bullshyt.

Are you a teenager?

cause this statement is devoid of any new, or challenging information.

NO ONE is ignoring racism.

I've experienced...and I see it damn near every day.

But does that stop me?

Thats the point here.

What is your goal besides pretending to be a counterrevolutionary with no plan?

If you hate america so much...then leave! I'm sure you'd love to go back to countless african countries who lack the infrastructure to even educate their own people.

I'm trying to make America work for me...not the other way around.

Really? "fuuck Africa"...People need to realize what "kind" of people are posting here on a "black" forum. :camron:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
can you PROVE its based on racism though?

Thats the point.

What does this have to do with a busted school in south carolina?

And who said I supported this policy?

I don't know if you know this or not...but when Obama leaves office, its sink or swim for black people.

Theres no real excuses out here.

Is that due to racism?

I KNOW all of these stats.

Mind you...i'm a black male myself...I just am a bit more of a realist when it comes to sucking it up and putting in MY effort to get the job done.

There are policies in place to TECHNICALLY alleviate some of that though.

So again, I don't see how this just "gets better" regardless.

Yeah...thats bullshyt.

"black government" is as flawed of a concept as any.

This is why i'm not "pro-black" as much as I am "pro-equality"

Cause "blackness" doesn't exist...we didn't create it. They did.

Its a reactionary term, not an assertion.

And I don't know what you mean by "treated fairly" either...

Let me know when shyt gets like South Africa where theres MINORITY whites running things.

I'm telling you that POPULATION counts.

I also happen to think you don't live in a black city or have much connection to one.

ATL. DC. Houston.

There are places where minorities are making shyt happen.

First off.

fukk Africa.

I said it.

I'm not going back to some place where I'm not even from on the basis that they "look" like me.

hell, genetically, two africans down the street from each other share less DNA than probably you or I do.

This is a bullshyt statement by scared nikkas who don't wanna put in work to force the walls around them to capitulate to their forces.

So leave america then.

I don't see what all this expatriot business is gonna do for you...cause America ain't obligated to give you shyt.

You gotta take it.

Trying to think you can "get even" by being an external force is bullshyt.

Are you a teenager?

cause this statement is devoid of any new, or challenging information.

NO ONE is ignoring racism.

I've experienced...and I see it damn near every day.

But does that stop me?

Thats the point here.

What is your goal besides pretending to be a counterrevolutionary with no plan?

If you hate america so much...then leave! I'm sure you'd love to go back to countless african countries who lack the infrastructure to even educate their own people.

I'm trying to make America work for me...not the other way around.
You would never say that about India :lupe:
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