Bahamian Dimepiece

Amerikan Melanin

Dec 16, 2014
The men sound like fakkits. :camby:

But I have to agree that trini womens’ accents are really beautiful.

Bringing back memories of my Trini girlfriend back in college. :wow: She was great but she was such a mixed bag of personalities, that chick.

And Trini women can be very..”stoosh”.. as we Jamaicans say. And I remember she would be so finicky about things. One time we were eating out and I was just enjoying my food and she was just sitting there chewing her little small bites and watching me. And then outta nowhere she was like “when my daddy eats his hands neva touch di food, hmph :queen:“.

I just stopped chewing for like a moment as I fought back a wave of “f*ck your daddyisms”, and I just was like ‘whatever’ and kept eating. But I remember wanting to just shove my fork straight through her pretty little face boy that sh*t used to make me so fkn mad when she acted prissy. But I loved that crazy girl and her accent. :wow:

I’ll never forget the night I met/pulled her. :wow:

Me and the squad went clubbing at this club in chapel hill (she went to UNC at the time, I went to NCCU) and soon as we got up in there I saw her little cute, slim, curvy, curly-haired ass just standing up against a wall with her girl, her arms folded doing what I later came to learn was her “Trini pouting”. She was looking so evil. Well I lounged around with the squad for a minute but I couldn’t ignore the fact that I could not take my mind or my eyes off of her.

So as the club started to get more and more packed I was starting to lose her in the crowd each time I tried to glance over at her... and plus I was noticing nikkas starting to give her the :shaq: when they walked past her. I remember like it was yesterday man I remember thinking ‘oh f*ck no I gots to get her RIGHT NOW’, and I remember being legit MAD at everting all of a sudden. I peaced out my homies and I just pushed through the crowd until I was right up on her right in her folded up little personal space, and my face was all balled up like ‘tf is your problem :mindblown:‘ because that’s really how I felt because she was looking so mean :laff: and I stg we didn’t exchange a SINGLE WORD in that moment. We just looked at each other for like 2 seconds, and then she just unfolded her arms and tugged the bottom of my shirt pulling me behind her, and she started winding her hips grinding on me. We ended up dancing alllll night, I’m talking sweaty as f*ck and everything.

And then for some reason, and til this day I still haven’t figured out why, but towards the end I got antsy as f*ck about getting more b*tches numbers before the club let out, and I peeled away from her and went number hunting and trying to catch up with the squad :mindblown:

I think that I was so confident that I already had her in the bag that I didn’t even bother securing her number all night while we was dancing because I was like eh I’ll get it when it let out.

Stupid stupid stupid.

When I left her and went number hunting, I didn’t get ANY more numbers :russ: AND by the time I was done running around TRYING to, she was nowhere to be found. :damn:

I was downright frantic running around the parking lots looking for her. But of course she was nowhere to be found. Vanished. I ended up just walking aimlessly down the block feeling numb and stupid. Ignoring all my homies texts and calls and sh*t. Just bumming down the street kicking rocks type sh*t. I made it to the corner and it was one of them “UNC student bus stops”. As I rounded the corner who the f*ck do I see standing there, arms folded, lips pouting, with some nikka in her face trying to holla at her. I rolled right up on them hard and fast with the screwface and I was all sweaty from all the walking I did and I was feeling triggered as f*ck and I grabbed her and said ‘come on’ and walked off. Didn’t ask her permission, didn’t say a word to the dude, he didn’t say a word to me. So we got a little ways away and I was just trying to calm down and then I said kinda angrily, “why did you disappear on me like that??:fire:”... and I never forget brehs, when she replied it was the first time I actually heard her speak clearly without the music blasting and sh*t. And we were walking side by side and she bumped my hips with hers and said, “but yuh didn’t leave me first buoy?” ... I swear I fell in love with her from that moment on. And vice versa. From that very moment we were basically joined at the hip for like the next year and a half. :russ:

But yeah, long story just to say I agree about trini womens accents. That’s one thing I remember I always loved about her. When she speaks it sounds like a melody, even when she is angry. Like she’s singing, but softly. I loved that sh*t soo much.


you sound extremely impulsive.

Anyway why y’all break up?


All Star
May 19, 2012
The men sound like fakkits. :camby:

But I have to agree that trini womens’ accents are really beautiful.

Bringing back memories of my Trini girlfriend back in college. :wow: She was great but she was such a mixed bag of personalities, that chick.

And Trini women can be very..”stoosh”.. as we Jamaicans say. And I remember she would be so finicky about things. One time we were eating out and I was just enjoying my food and she was just sitting there chewing her little small bites and watching me. And then outta nowhere she was like “when my daddy eats his hands neva touch di food, hmph :queen:“.

I just stopped chewing for like a moment as I fought back a wave of “f*ck your daddyisms”, and I just was like ‘whatever’ and kept eating. But I remember wanting to just shove my fork straight through her pretty little face boy that sh*t used to make me so fkn mad when she acted prissy. But I loved that crazy girl and her accent. :wow:

I’ll never forget the night I met/pulled her. :wow:

Me and the squad went clubbing at this club in chapel hill (she went to UNC at the time, I went to NCCU) and soon as we got up in there I saw her little cute, slim, curvy, curly-haired ass just standing up against a wall with her girl, her arms folded doing what I later came to learn was her “Trini pouting”. She was looking so evil. Well I lounged around with the squad for a minute but I couldn’t ignore the fact that I could not take my mind or my eyes off of her.

So as the club started to get more and more packed I was starting to lose her in the crowd each time I tried to glance over at her... and plus I was noticing nikkas starting to give her the :shaq: when they walked past her. I remember like it was yesterday man I remember thinking ‘oh f*ck no I gots to get her RIGHT NOW’, and I remember being legit MAD at everting all of a sudden. I peaced out my homies and I just pushed through the crowd until I was right up on her right in her folded up little personal space, and my face was all balled up like ‘tf is your problem :mindblown:‘ because that’s really how I felt because she was looking so mean :laff: and I stg we didn’t exchange a SINGLE WORD in that moment. We just looked at each other for like 2 seconds, and then she just unfolded her arms and tugged the bottom of my shirt pulling me behind her, and she started winding her hips grinding on me. We ended up dancing alllll night, I’m talking sweaty as f*ck and everything.

And then for some reason, and til this day I still haven’t figured out why, but towards the end I got antsy as f*ck about getting more b*tches numbers before the club let out, and I peeled away from her and went number hunting and trying to catch up with the squad :mindblown:

I think that I was so confident that I already had her in the bag that I didn’t even bother securing her number all night while we was dancing because I was like eh I’ll get it when it let out.

Stupid stupid stupid.

When I left her and went number hunting, I didn’t get ANY more numbers :russ: AND by the time I was done running around TRYING to, she was nowhere to be found. :damn:

I was downright frantic running around the parking lots looking for her. But of course she was nowhere to be found. Vanished. I ended up just walking aimlessly down the block feeling numb and stupid. Ignoring all my homies texts and calls and sh*t. Just bumming down the street kicking rocks type sh*t. I made it to the corner and it was one of them “UNC student bus stops”. As I rounded the corner who the f*ck do I see standing there, arms folded, lips pouting, with some nikka in her face trying to holla at her. I rolled right up on them hard and fast with the screwface and I was all sweaty from all the walking I did and I was feeling triggered as f*ck and I grabbed her and said ‘come on’ and walked off. Didn’t ask her permission, didn’t say a word to the dude, he didn’t say a word to me. So we got a little ways away and I was just trying to calm down and then I said kinda angrily, “why did you disappear on me like that??:fire:”... and I never forget brehs, when she replied it was the first time I actually heard her speak clearly without the music blasting and sh*t. And we were walking side by side and she bumped my hips with hers and said, “but yuh didn’t leave me first buoy?” ... I swear I fell in love with her from that moment on. And vice versa. From that very moment we were basically joined at the hip for like the next year and a half. :russ:

But yeah, long story just to say I agree about trini womens accents. That’s one thing I remember I always loved about her. When she speaks it sounds like a melody, even when she is angry. Like she’s singing, but softly. I loved that sh*t soo much.

You said a year and a half? What happen? I'm like after a story like this I'm expecting you married her had some kids n shyt lol


Jun 28, 2012
Gorgeous from all angles

The women eat fresh and quality down there. They come up here and call out all of the fat folks. My Trini roomate used to think people were older than they were because of how big they were. Mistook this teenage girl for a college aged girl. Something me and my other roomate could see clearly.

Chick in the OP looks 22 but she's what? 27?


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
you sound extremely impulsive.

Anyway why y’all break up?

You said a year and a half? What happen? I'm like after a story like this I'm expecting you married her had some kids n shyt lol

As much as I loved her, I loved sleeping around at my HBCU, more. :snoop:

Because of that, I basically strung her along the entire time with promises of a commitment “as soon as I was over my ex :duck:”... and any other excuse I could come up with to not have to be official official with her.

But simply put I just wanted to be a hoe, plus have her at the same time. And after a year and a half of playing that game my grip on her began to wear off.

Too many nights her standing outside my dorm crying, too many instances of her chasing me down trying to kill me, too much her having to question sh*t.

She eventually just got up the strength to stop f*cking with me altogether. Sh*t f*cked me up and it took a while before we fully stopped messing around, but we eventually did.