Baby Yoda Is The Wackest shyt Ive Ever Seen In My Life

May 15, 2012
star wars is trash, George Lucas stole ideas from all over the place and put them in stories that's why it was successful because people thought it was original not knowing the source material.

Even the prequels Lucas stole from stuff like Dinotopia for the design of the phantom menace planet. Lucas sampled all the best records in his collection already he ain't got no more heat in the grates and he not good at chopping just looping

that's why the prequels fell flat, if the creator can't make the shyt out how is anybody else gonna take the same material and make something ground breaking with it. shyt is dead, and beaten to death.

If disney was smart they would've just rebooted the entire thing started from episode 1 one with a better story of anakin becoming darth varder, episode II you recast Luke, Leia, and Han, you can fit all three original movies in one movie, those movies are long for no reason and very little happens in each film. Third episode could've been Luke training a new generation of jedi or something.


Feb 28, 2018
star wars is trash, George Lucas stole ideas from all over the place and put them in stories that's why it was successful because people thought it was original not knowing the source material.

Even the prequels Lucas stole from stuff like Dinotopia for the design of the phantom menace planet. Lucas sampled all the best records in his collection already he ain't got no more heat in the grates and he not good at chopping just looping

that's why the prequels fell flat, if the creator can't make the shyt out how is anybody else gonna take the same material and make something ground breaking with it. shyt is dead, and beaten to death.

If disney was smart they would've just rebooted the entire thing started from episode 1 one with a better story of anakin becoming darth varder, episode II you recast Luke, Leia, and Han, you can fit all three original movies in one movie, those movies are long for no reason and very little happens in each film. Third episode could've been Luke training a new generation of jedi or something.
I totally disagree about star wars being trash or George Lucas being trash etc he has directed some great movies. People are so black and white sometimes with opinions of stuff, like a movie is either horrible or amazing and there's no in between. The romanticizing of Lucas when comparing to the Disney films is ridiculous considering what the prequel's COULD HAVE been if different directorial decisions were made. I thought the ideas and story was pretty strong in the prequels, the music is some of John Williams best work, each of them had scenes of fukking greatness yet not consistently throughout the film. Lucas needed someone to revise his dialogue and have someone else direct. The prequels had fantastic actors that came off wooden either sometimes or all the time because of the stilted dialogue. The overuse of CGI and greenscreen is TERRIBLE for making your film stand the test of time--it really dates your film and looks terrible in retrospect. Imagine if Cameron, Scott, Nolan, etc directed, people who don't typically have an over reliance for using CGI when it is still not evolved enough to make your film look like shyt. With that being said, the movies were still entertaining & episode 3 was overall fantastic. The Disney films are not fukking bad enough to be shytting on them in the manner people do. All of their films have been well made, but flawed. I mean what other studio do people prefer to have control over Star Wars? Disney is extremely competent at what they do.