This. It's hilarious to me how all these people just running around like a chicken with its head cut off when discussing the flat earth. These cats don't even LOOK at all of the evidence, they just knee jerk and scream insults when the subject gets brought up.
But I know why. It's because they can't accept the fact that they have been brainwashed by a lie. They're scared.
These same people will outright know and believe their govt has murdered and enslaved millions, have lied about EVERYTHING, yet these people on here somehow believe they wouldn't be lied to about flat earth, going to the moon etc. by their government
And now the cool thing is to dikk ride NDT. That's like dikk riding George Bush. Same team. People love their abusers on some Stockholm syndrome tip.
Flat earth is everywhere now, the cat is getting out of the bag, and NASA is shytting themselves about it. So much so, that they send their PR boy NDT to ridicule and insult BOB because so many people are checking this out due to him.
If this wasn't real, NASA wouldn't spend 2 seconds with BOB. They're showing their hand big time.