Azealia Banks Says Hip-Hop Is a ‘Minstrel Show’

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
it's so annoying when ppl say "she's only doing this because _______" as if that makes her argument any less valid.


iono:patrice: i feel like i really wanna disqualify this salty c00n bytch from the argument:heh:

On white men and sex
She loves white men. She has written songs about how much she likes “marshmallows”. She is also frank about her “daddy issues”. She was constantly pestered for sex by older men when she started out, responding, she says, by having sex with “some of them”. And did she enjoy it? “Of course I enjoyed it. Girl! That is the best thing, you already know.” Sometimes she cries if she hasn’t had enough sex. She has slept with “like, 25 or 30” people in total. “I’m not even ashamed of it,” she says. She thinks about sex “all the time. Like, oh, please.”
On the oldest man she’s ever slept with
The oldest man she has dated was 56. He used to come in and flirt with her when she was working in Starbucks, “and he was really rich, of course. When I was little, I had a radar for that.” He would take her to dinner in Chelsea, “and we’d be in some fancy restaurant and I’d be there with my sweat suit on”. He thought it was “the funniest thing ever. He really got off on it.” What was it like, being 17 and sleeping with a 56-year-old? “It’s like f****** an old man,” she says.
She has since set herself boundaries. “I’m not dating any men over the age of 37.” She has a huge crush on Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys, “and I met him in Portugal recently and it was really awkward”.
On her sexuality
She can also see herself having relationships with women now. She first knew she liked girls when she was 10. “I had this friend named Nicole who was so fresh,” she says. “She would always have mascara and wear gloss and would have padded bras, and we’d have these slumber parties. I think all kids do gay stuff, but we got to the point in childhood where I was like, oooh, sign me up.” She didn’t talk about being bisexual until she was 19 though, partly because of her mother, who threw her sister out of the house when she came out. She thought that Lakimba would “go to hell”. “She’d be like, ‘Don’t have that bytch in that house.’  ” Her mother thought “gay stuff” was “evil” and dismissed all men as gay. “She was like, ‘Oh no, he’s got a watch on his right arm.  That’s the gay arm.’ She called Aids ‘the Aids’. I was like, ‘Ma, it’s not 1974. It’s 2013. Just relax.’  ”