There are rich and broke women that swim when it comes to money. Wifing tho? More and more it’s becoming you’re either passport bro or GMB. And it’s only going to get worse from here on our. Tate like Kevin samuels is like a glitch that shifts mens understanding in a way that benefits them after decades of propaganda that didnt.
And Tates father was a CIA agent so he’s most likely moving with a hidden agenda hisself. But the ideas? They only benefit men. And he definitely talks about the self improvement too but that doesnt fit your narrative.
Men being able to go outside the country to look for whatever they want in a woman benefits them. But women can’t do that to the same extent so that’s why the ones that are mad about it, are mad about it. And the male simps/feminists follow suit.
Black men have been traveling to these countries for decades (quietly). Women aren't mad about men traveling to these countries, they're upset about these attention seeking men going to these countries and spending their time on youtube shytting on the very women they're claiming they're trying to escape.

The attention these guys are getting from women is the exact attention they went looking for.