You supposedly from LA&the south but didn't understand what racism was until high school?I was taught about racism when I was young from my pops because he grew up in the deep south. He made me and my sis watch old videos of slavery(amistad) and the treatment of black by whites in thr 50's and 60's.
I think you should always talk about racism because it happens everyday. My pops showed me those tapes when I was in early middle school and I did not really understand until late middle school and early high school. My first racist experience happened to me when I was young playing soccer and it was from some mexicans. My mom taught me that people are not going to like me because of how I look and really that's why I got the fukk it mentality. If you like me coo; if not fukk, keep it moving lol.
But they always taught me to defend myself and don't run from shyt