After sinking some more time into this game. I gotta say I'm loving it. The combat just feels so satisfying. I'm just playing on the base difficulty, but so far it's been a decent enough challenge so that it doesn't feel boring. I stumbled into a random cave. Didn't look like much was in it at first. Some little spiders. Easy enough to take out. But then I found what looked like a pit that was covered by webs. Burned through them, dropped down into a lake and then stumbled right into a den of spiders. No problem. Then a big ass spider comes out of nowhere. No problem....dealing with it. Then an even BIGGER spider comes out. I'm like

I look over and the homie Kai is just

. I'm looking at this nikka like

you supposed to be tanking.
Somehow I killed everything in there. Looted everything. Went back to camp, recovered, upgraded gear, cooked food, etc. I'm running a rogue with dual daggers and a bow.
My advice to anyone interested would be to play it for the combat if nothing else. Thoroughly enjoying it so far though. 8/10 for me at the moment.