Avengers was WAY better than dark knight rises


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I loved Avengers dearly, but DKR was on a completely different level.

Avengers is more of a simple man's movie. Lots of bright lights, action, simple man's plot, colorful, awesome superheros, witty and comic-like lines.

The Dark Knight is is more of a complex man's movie. Deep plot starring a character that had 3 movies to fully develop, brilliant script, fight scenes were further in between but epic, gritty and felt more like something was on the line, some of the greatest quotes in movie history.....

I'll remember some of the shyt Bane and Batman said in TDKR for the rest of my life. I don't feel the same about Avengers....all I remember is "Puny god..." and "We have a HULK!"

Also TDKR was far more high stakes....people LEGITIMATELY felt Batman could die. More was on the line. Despite Avengers being more of a "fight for the planet" type of situation, there was never a time where you said "Jeez....Thor might not make it."

At the end of the day, I give Avengers a A- and TDKR a A+...for I am a complex man and TDKR suits my taste more. I predicted nikkas whose attention spans and simpleton ways of thinking and observing entertainment wouldn't appreciate TDKR's 2 hour and 45 minute brilliance and would make a crazy topic like this though.

There is nothing deep about "TDKR". Literally nothing at all.

When people put that shyt on a pedestal as some kinda "thinking man's movie"....you're playing yourself. That's about as polite as I can put that. This is especially hilarious when comparing it to "Avengers"....they're both PG-13 summer blockbusters. Nothing more, nothing less. If you think "TDKR" is some kinda cinematic high water mark you need to watch more movies.

And as far as the bolded, of course people felt like Batman could die, it's the last movie in the trilogy. People assumed Batman would die as soon as they heard Christian Bale was leaving the franchise. So :rudy: at acting like that's earned within the context of the story.



American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
For a superhero movie, TDKR is a lot deeper and more complex than anything that's been released prior outside of maybe BB and TDK.

Yes Batman dying was earned within the context of the story....stop it. Out of prime, broken down, not the same fighter going against someone much bigger and in his prime....quotes like "You think I will fail?" -> "I think you hope you do" and "You've given Gotham everything" -> "NOT EVERYTHING....NOT YET" did a great job of making the viewer feel like this could be it. Lol @ Christian Bale leaving the franchise being a factor for why people thought Batman would die...no, the primary factors were the trailers and the movie itself

I'd neg rep some of you people, but I feel your punishment must be more severe and hope someone else with more rep does.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
It is. U dont understand. See i wasnt really even a huge fan of the first two like everyone else. I thought TDK was overrated as hell too but since the joker had done such a good job i let it ride. But this movie... I cant understand how you guys can sit here and praise a movie with such BLATANT, in your face plot holes, HORRIBLE dialogue, random scenes that added NOTHING. what was the point in catwoman getting locked up, and doing a flip and breaking that guys hand again? no one laughed. and how, in the middle of a town being held HOSTAGE, does she manage to beat up two bad guys out of nowhere who are RANDOMLY chasing some kids who RANDOMLY stole an APPLE from them??? and in the same scene, bruce wayne just RANDOMLY appears back and happens to be where she is? These type of plot inconsistencies and random characters appearing wherever is convenient at the time might fly with you the average movie goer but I wont stand by and just be quiet and follow the sheep like you nolan fans are so bent on doing. I recognize the truth, and i SPEAK the truth. Bane is the only thing this movie got right, but than they ruined it by giving him a WEAK ass ending. like i said this movie was all hype, no substance. seriously.

This post reeks of trying too hard. Random appearances and productive coincidences happen ALL THE TIME...even in the all time great films...ESPECIALLY in the genre of superhero, action, sci-fi, fantasy, etc...

like Spliff said if you went around judging movies on this level there would be hardly any considered great outside of your boring, super realistic films which hardly ever interest me.

Also, while I give TDKR an A+, I do co-sign Anne Hatheaway's Catwoman as a weak point. I don't think she was terrible, but nowhere near Michelle Pheiffer or the cartoon version. She definitely tried too hard, but I don't think her presence broke the movie either, and I liked how she ended up with Bruce in the end.

Another thing I agree with you about is Bane's death being weak for such a great villain. Also, while I get the big twist, I don't like Talia being the real person behind the operation and Bane just being a glorified sidekick/enforcer. I would have MUCH preferred if Ras Al Ghul simply had TWO children rather than one child and a protective, injured lover who'll do anything for me.

Still, there gripes hardly detracted from my love for the film and I was still in absolute awe at the masterpiece I watched when the credits started to roll.

The Avengers was not on TDKR's level...sorry.
May 9, 2012
There is nothing deep about "TDKR". Literally nothing at all.

When people put that shyt on a pedestal as some kinda "thinking man's movie"....you're playing yourself. That's about as polite as I can put that. This is especially hilarious when comparing it to "Avengers"....they're both PG-13 summer blockbusters. Nothing more, nothing less. If you think "TDKR" is some kinda cinematic high water mark you need to watch more movies.

And as far as the bolded, of course people felt like Batman could die, it's the last movie in the trilogy. People assumed Batman would die as soon as they heard Christian Bale was leaving the franchise. So :rudy: at acting like that's earned within the context of the story.


nah the entire plot is def alot deeper and emotional than the Avengers...every character had a motive...

youd be an idiot not to acknowledge the fact that TDKR has more depth as a film then the Avengers....outside of the action there is not one memmorable scene in Avengers....

Waka FICO Flamez

Bricksquad Monopoly
Jun 11, 2012
Saw this movie and lets be real only you nolan stans on this board or average movie fan would find this to be a classic. It is overated in this aspect of the hype it recieved. I still enjoyed the movie and think it was a good 7.5/10 but lets be real for a second...

If you of are moderate intelligence you could have seen have of the plot twist or points ahead of time. Like that guy was robin, that girl was talia, Bruce would have to climb with out the rope, He used autopilot to survive etc...

There was really no great action..the first fight between batman and bane was good but i thought it could have been better. The second fight was forgetable..And banes death was terrible. Its like nolan started to rush to make things connect at the end and was running out of screen time with half of the things in the movie. THe movie has to many plotholes that i wont get into. Its a good movie but it could have been greatness if they took a little more time to polish it and clean up certain story issues.

Besides that, my other personal distates include..Didnt like bane voice, batman over the top voice still, some of the cheesey dialouge, Bane not beign intimidating enough, Not doing a better job of explaining his mask..I can go on. But anyone that considers this sucha great movie is an idiot and a sheep.


May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
For a superhero movie, TDKR is a lot deeper and more complex than anything that's been released prior outside of maybe BB and TDK.
