Not sure. She was kissing on this dude at last year's NAACP Awards when she won for Selma:Is she a lesbian?

Not sure. She was kissing on this dude at last year's NAACP Awards when she won for Selma:Is she a lesbian?
keenan ivory wayans made over 200 million with his scream franchise, did the studio offer him this 100 million budgetYea I would love a Marcus Garvey film but don't change your argument, which was black male directors haven't gotten big budget films. Your argument wasn't the stories being told it was the opportunities. If 100 milllion is the benchmark then DuVernay stands alone as a black women, those men do not. Once given a list of black men that have had 100million dollar budgets your argument goes from they never had the chance of DuVernay because as you piut it all of sudden its the examples aren't credible because they didn't tell stories to your liken to. I'm not a fan of some of those films either, and hope black directors get chances to tell story across all genres, but painting DuVernay as a symbol or exampel of black men being squeezed out of Hollywood is wrong.
She like em youngNot sure. She was kissing on this dude at last year's NAACP Awards when she won for Selma:
Just cast my girl Gugu for A Wrinkle in Time
Just cast my girl Gugu for A Wrinkle in Time
The go to racially ambiguous chick
The go to racially ambiguous chick
Happy she's finally in demand after all these years of waiting for thandie and halle to get old but she doesn't have "it" at all. Seen belle and beyond the lights and once you get past her mullato(ness) she's quite bland
Brehs is this movie based on a book? The name of the movie sounds familiar.
Brehs is this movie based on a book? The name of the movie sounds familiar.