Only a truly confused black conservative fakkit of your magnitude could take a story about an Austrailian woman jailed in Dubai for being raped and manage to blame American white privilege.
What's funny is that the stereotype is that it's extreme Liberals pushing this subjective morality regarding different cultures...this neo-Hippie aesthetic that we must not judge and must be tolerant of all different cultures, regardless of how violent, savage or nonsensical they are. Of course this is nonsense but I've heard this enabling strawman erected countless times from Conservative windbags as a totem to all that is wrong about the pussified Liberal's worldview. So it seems only regarding matters of women's rights and rape does the ultra-Conservative closet case suddenly jump the fence and exonerate the savage culture. "Thats just how they are. She should have known better than to get a drink with her colleagues. White bytch deserved it. Oh yeah rather than punish rapists we should just outlaw alcohol for women."
Once again, this idiotic bullshyt only makes sense to Dark Age extremists in either religion. There's really no distinction, yall are identical.
Long winded saying nothing. You dont have a choice but to accept it, because you arent prepared to do anything about it. You are powerless to stop them from doing it again. I mean your outrage is noted and you can pat yourself on the back for that but what im saying is is if you're in a nation with funny laws, you cant go there expecting to be treated the same way you are in your homeland. So what can you do as a powerless internet crusader, tell women to follow their rules.
The rapists should be punished and women in that region should not drink alcohol with men and if they do, they should know the risks, like they might get raped. You can wave your arms and throw a bytch fit all day but there are travel tips that women should be aware of when traveling abroad. In that country the tip is, dont drink with men because you might get raped and they'll jail you if you complain. Take your crusade off the internet and to that nation and they'll beat your monkey ass and leave you lodged in a cell.
If you go to a cannibal jungle and your travel guide tells you *whatever you do, dont look the chief in the eyes when he speaks to you* are you gonna look that man in the eye or are you gonna listen to what that sound advice. Please realize the world is not America and if you wanna change it, have at it but all this woulda coulda shoulda nonsense does nothing but get you high 5's from strangers and does nothing to protect these women who travel abroad. Bet the next time a bytch tells you she goin to the UAE you'll tell her to stay away from the bar though, Still.