Art Barr
how did he 'save wrasslin' if nobody but you credits him to such a thing
You do realize if Aries does not come through the curtain on Samoa Joe. The Indy game had no legs to really go anywhere else new at the time.
WWE had basically ruined all of wrasslin by trying to create all its stars in house at that current point and were falling and that is also why they bought into raiding the Indies before roh on directv was starting. To the point Nigel left for tna and then later WWE poached db and then black after the roh me tv matches set the world on fire for wrasslin on tv as an alternative to the monopoly WWE had then. As far as being seen as the only domestic gateway wrasslin company.
If no Aries, there is no Tyler black and no champion for db and black/rollins to chase either.
So black never makes it to WWE and neither does db.
Art Barr
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