I hope GS all chants in unison "c00n train is coming." at the Clippers tomorrow. It has nothing to do with them but it would be funny nonetheless
So the taxman is white? I kind of knew it when he didn't want to mention his race when I asked him earlier.
@The TaxmanWe have a lot of st0rmfr0nt cac infiltrators here it seems. This guy Taxman messages me calling me a big lipped beastThen has the nerve to say "i'm black" see more of this cac dishonesty.
Joe Paterno and the Penn State administration had similar rational to the warped out look of what's more important in life, they chose sports. History will affirm that they were wrong. On that 30 for 30, I forgot which university team from the 50's or 60's that was willing to forfeit the entire championship run, if the one or two black players that was on the team was some how discriminated againstwhat's the point? Yeah the players could look like heroes and role models, but you also don't wanna be a martyr for some shyt an owner you KNEW was racist said. The players almost gotta look at it like is it worth all this to throw everything we've put into this away when at the end of the day, he'll move on like nothing happened?
The Clippers may become once again undesirable, but he won't care. Staples will still get filled. He'll go get 15 replacements and then God forbid they do well in time, everyone will be Clippers fans again. In Sterling's warped mind he's thinking to himself "this ain't the first time people wanted me to sell this team, and I got em all back anyway"
and this whole.. this Clippers werent winning shyt anyways line is complete and utter garbage. They arent the Bobcats, lets be real here.
I stay trying to tell dudes about TMZ being official out here.
They DO NOT slack on shyt.
My boy made an astute observation.
Obviously his friend knew his comments would be well received. Goes to show you how broad white racism is when it's passed along so easily from friend to friend.
I bet white posters who get mad at cac being said in here hear so much shyt offline and don't say a word
I was trolling yo sensitive bish azz for neggin me. I know u lightskinned by your fake militancy. Sukk d1kk ya bish
I don't give a damn if the Hawks make the finals. As long as Sterling is still there. I ain't watching or supporting NBA Basketball.
#takeastand ##powerful