Cabbage Patch
The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
this is what she looked like before the surgery
I just went to that Daily Mail link. V. Stiviano was a STRIPPER who bragged about boob job, claims former high school football coach | Mail Online
- V Stiviano bragged to football coach Javier Cid that she'd had a boob job aged just 17, he says
- Stiviano – who went by the name Vanessa Perez at Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles – was also nicknamed 'Barbie' by other students
- Cid said this was because she dressed flamboyantly in expensive clothes and she was able to afford to drive a Range Rover
A seventeen year old kid gets a tit job (for whom???? certainly not nikkas) at 17, always has expensive clothes, and drives a Range Rover. Maybe she didn't need Supahead's help on golddigging. Maybe she'd been doing it all of her life. That raises the question: where are her parents?
Mr. Perez, Mrs. Perez, where are you in your daughter's life? Are you guys rich, or were you guys pushing your daughter to the ho stroll because you guys got something out of it yourselves?
Is it really legal to hire a girl that young to be a stripper out in California? Is the West Coast that trashy?
EDIT: The answer was at the bottom of the Daily Mail link.
Earlier this week, MailOnline revealed how Stiviano turned her back on her dirt-poor upbringing in San Antonio, Texas, where she was raised by a jobless Mexican mother convicted of using her own children to steal from a supermarket - to seek fame and fortune in Los Angeles.
Once in LA she got herself noticed through modelling and has even been linked to Jerry Buss, the late owner of the LA Lakers and a pal of Sterling's.
It also emerged that Stiviano, who was born Maria Perez, changed her name in 2010 in a bid to wipe out her past.
Giving a reason for the name change Stivano claimed in the court papers she hadn't 'yet been fully accepted because of my race.'
"...raised by a jobless Mexican mother convicted of using her own children to steal from a supermarket..."
So basically, she's an anchor baby (unless the being Mexican part is an old family lie, too, would have to see photos of the mama and grandparents), and god knows who her real father is. If she weren't Mexican and black, she'd be indistinguishable from the white and Irish Travellers or white and Romanian Gypsies. Trash is trash, but some trash gets rich.
Now my question is, why does this part of the story have to be broken by the British, instead of the US press?
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