Sterling is talking the way many old people do. They assume you know what they're talking about. There's the liberal, word-for-word definition of this discussion, which is racism. But then there's the implied meaning behind the words, which is what old people assume you understand. Sterling doesn't want to associate with every culture that he interprets as brash and an affront to his old American way of life. Listen to the way he demeans the girl for being "a fighter". He just wants complacency. All the threats to this complacency are the different cultures outside of Western European culture. If black people, as a majority, acted just like white Western Europeans, Donald Sterling would have no problem with them.
I'm not attempting to stick up for Sterling. I think him and his girlfriend are idiots. I'm just saying "nothing to see here, folks".
Preamble: I've negged you. You're a white supremacist apologist, maybe a conservative politically, and DEFINITELY can't hold court in the court of logic, reason or sheer empathy.
You're a fukking idiot.
Lets begin.
1. We know you're white now. The jig is up, so watch your tone on here.
2. Why do you all keep trying to lessen what WE experienc?
3. Why are you so adamant about trivalize the severity of these comments?
4. Does age matter? Last time I checked, Israelis were locking up 90-year old nazis.
5. Why the fukk does anyone need to conform to "western european" values? This is AMERICA.
6. Why do business with a culture you hate so much?
7. Why do you think you had to "explain" or interpret this in a manner that you assumed no one else was aware of?
In conclusion, you're getting finessed. Take the "L" and move on.
You won't win here.
This board does not tolerate or support white supremacists.