[AUDIO] Donald Sterling - "Don't bring black people to my games" [AGREES TO SELL TEAM]


Jul 5, 2012
How NBA could deliver knockout blow to Clippers owner Donald Sterling - Yahoo Sports

Mostly, he's never loved paying white players. In that way, he has an absolute plantation prism with which he sees players: He always preferred long, strong, physical players. To him, that's a basketball player: Big, black and strong.

When Sterling became reluctant to honor Rivers' sign-and-trade agreement for J.J. Redikk, there was a belief race played a factor. As one league source said, "He thought it was too much to pay for a white player."

Yes, Sterling didn't want to so easily part with Eric Bledsoe, despite Rivers telling him they could never afford to pay Bledsoe in restricted free agency next summer. That was part of it, yes, but those who knew Sterling – who had history with him – believed largely that his disdain for paying $7 million per year for a white player caused him pause.


knowing this....my black ass would have boycotted! I take back any moderate views....that's some pick the big black slave mess and he probably thinks i got an extra muscle in my calf so i can run faster. I thought he was....wow!

I would have said i'm an independent contractor and he doesn't own me.....he is paying for my specialized service!!! fucck it.....one he compared a white person like that to me that really strikes a nerve like i'm nothing more than a physical specimen and blackness is determined by my ability to run fast and jump high!!!!

fucck sterling!!!! once the reddikk factor came it to play i would never shake his hand or conduct any business.


I will take what is mine
Apr 30, 2012
Los Angeles
Attorney: V. Stiviano 'very saddened' at Donald Sterling's NBA ban - chicagotribune.com

V. Stiviano, the woman at the center of the Donald Sterling scandal, said she was “very saddened” by the NBA’s decision to ban him from the sport for life, her attorney said Tuesday.

V. Stiviano “never wanted any harm to Donald,” Calabasas lawyer Mac Nehoray of Calabasas told The Times.

He said the 31-year-old is still reeling from the release of the recordings in which Sterling chastises her for associating with African Americans, including Magic Johnson. He said that “someone released it for money” but it wasn’t Stiviano.

“My client is devastated that this got out,” he said.

He also insisted that Stiviano and the 80-year-old Clippers owner never had a sexual or romantic relationship and descriptions of her as his mistress in the media and in a lawsuit filed by Sterling’s wife are erroneous.
fukk that bytch


Jul 5, 2012
if you not 6'6" and a athlete you can't be black according to sterling. I had dreams since high school of being an owner if i was involved in pro sports....some got hoop dreams and some are businessmen.

hell, i hate when black people take this kind of approach and i'm not for damn sure taking it from some sterling...once he tried to define blackness by me now seeing the JJ reddikk comment i'm truly offended. some black people have bill gates, warren buffet, or zuckerberg dreams and goals.....


Jul 5, 2012
I understood it perfectly. :manny:

I've said a zillion times that dues like Kobe, MJ, Shaq, other big time athletes don't live same (black) world as us regular black ppl. They're black, but they're not REALLY seen(treated as black) as black b/c of their celeb status. People bend over backwards for them. But let them be a regular black guy and the story is totally different.

Same thing Charles said, just in a different way.

I'm not nitpciking on his statement b/c I understood his point perfectly. Look beyond the lingustics.

and when you come up like a Carlton banks type your blackness gets questioned/not seen for the same reason. cause you could say Calton Banks types are not regular blacks because of money and associations.


Jul 16, 2013
while watching the games and seeing the twitter crawl go across the bottom with all these tweets praising and commending adam silver, I find my disappointment for the clip players and coaches has turned to anger....reason being the message this ban and fine is sending to people over the world about black men....the clip players and coaches had a chance to make a significant statement regarding how they view themselves as black men, yet they didn't...they pouted, cried, threw a lil tantrum, and that was about it...they were so pissed off they said fukk you and sat, my bad, played and waited for the commish to come in to save the day....all that did was reinforce to the world: as black men, we have no power, control, say over shyt that happens to us, we're helpless, and we need a white man to come save the day....not only that, the fact that sterling still owns the team and people are celebrating a ban/fine, says to the world: as long as you dont make them cry, call them names, and give them a pat on the head, you continue to shyt on black men.....cause that's what i'm getting from it...


All Star
Jul 15, 2012
while watching the games and seeing the twitter crawl go across the bottom with all these tweets praising and commending adam silver, I find my disappointment for the clip players and coaches has turned to anger....reason being the message this ban and fine is sending to people over the world about black men....the clip players and coaches had a chance to make a significant statement regarding how they view themselves as black men, yet they didn't...they pouted, cried, threw a lil tantrum, and that was about it...they were so pissed off they said fukk you and sat, my bad, played and waited for the commish to come in to save the day....all that did was reinforce to the world: as black men, we have no power, control, say over shyt that happens to us, we're helpless, and we need a white man to come save the day....not only that, the fact that sterling still owns the team and people are celebrating a ban/fine, says to the world: as long as you dont make them cry, call them names, and give them a pat on the head, you continue to shyt on black men.....cause that's what i'm getting from it...

And you still have Black people rooting for the Clippers to win. Talmbout win it all to show Donald Sterling that we are one!! :why: :why:

The players are the worst though, because they actually know better than the fans that Sterling is still collecting mad dough off of this game (and even the we are one t-shirts :snoop:) and they didn't even do anything to at least push to make sure he couldn't profit off of the playoffs until the owners got a chance to vote him out.


Jul 16, 2013
And you still have Black people rooting for the Clippers to win. Talmbout win it all to show Donald Sterling that we are one!! :why: :why:

exactly...it's like these dumb ass people dont realize he still owns the fukking team...instead of chanting we are one, why aint no one ask silver why he didn't already have the vote to make that muthafukka sell?....that should've been the first thing he announced, not a ban/fine....


Jul 5, 2012
IT DOESN'T MATTER. :what: Chuck isn't "regular" black. Nobody can hold him down. Nobody can keep Kobe, Shaq, MJ, etc down. They get whatever they want b/c they are famous and rich. They even get away with illegal stuff that regular black folks can't....because they are famous and rich. They're not the regular black person you see everyday. A white person will ignore YOU to your face, and drool over them.

Donald Sterling wouldnt give a regular black person a job or loan or apt or house....they're at his mercy, they're screwed......a rich black celeb can give him the middle finger. Sterling may call him a ****** under his breath, but what difference does that make to their life? You can't make everyone respect you, but if it doesnt affect you being able to feed ur kids, then who cares?

but a six figure black that can live in the suburbs doesn't have to deal with sterling either. it's not blacks are either millionaires or poor as there is an upper middle class.


Jul 5, 2012
Lost a lot of respect for Doc Rivers and Clippers players through this all. After the game deANDRE said "his job is to come in and play basketball and try to win a championship". These clippers players got no heart in my opinion. What about standing for something? What will Chris Paul say to his son when he ask him why did you play dad? Doc was on his why should his players have pressure to respond and speak up? REALLY??? smh

Hear the owner of your team basically call you slaves and play anyway brehs.


Feb 25, 2013
thread gems.....

Everyone that's celebrating this is being extremely short-sighted. Adam Silver and the NBA's PR team just salvaged one of the biggest potential meltdowns you'd have likely ever seen in your life. Name another time when athletes will ever be in a position to boycott with public opinion behind them? They had a chance to restructure the entire league and cause some serious debates over race and class in this country, and the Silver/the NBA understood this. It wasn't just about Sterling.The NBA had to distance themselves and keep good standing with the public (hence the "investigation" into what we all knew to be true) and this decision to ban Sterling only make the league out to be the hero... This is only a moral victory for an unsuspecting public. Sterling still owns the team and for $2.5 million dollars, he was just given the opportunity to set the price to his liking which the league will be obliged to pay to maintain their status as the "hero" in this story... None of this would have been possible had the players boycotted and started making their own demands.

They selectively invoke free speech the same way the selectively invoke the Constitution. The same way they selectively support the mythical meritocracy when it works for them, and expect reform of credentials when it doesn't. It's all sick, base, transparent self-interest. Same people who dismiss police brutality claims when photographic evidence has nikkas' heads looking like a hybrid of a pumpkin and a squash looked at a small cut on Zimmerman's head and decided he was justified in shooting an unarmed teenager. Same people who tell opponents of the paternalistic dress code and un-American age limit "NBA is a private organization, they can do whatever they want, deal with it" suddenly are screaming "those were private conversations, the NBA can't just do whatever they want here!" The beat goes on.

That's the whole thing that a lot of whites don't get: blacks who are intensely interested in this Sterling shyt don't really give half a fukk about what this scumbag is saying in private to his extramarital whore. We want to force conversations about the larger implications, the reactions, and the spirit and philosophy that demeans us and relegates us to the scrap heap in this society. And these dumb fukks still don't get that white supremacy and racism are diseases that kill them too. We're living in times where scientists are wearily shouting "we're past the point of no return," resources are becoming more scarce, the poverty gap is widening, and a specific collective ransacked the American economy... Yet these dense, simple fukks are still yelling at their TV about Jay-Z's medallion and violence in Chicago.

needs to be quoted

Don't want to rain on the Adam Silver Appreciation parade but a lot of y'all have no idea what just happened. Only way to describe what just happened is in star wars episode 3 when sidious gave order 66, killed all the jedi, then told the senate that he handled them cause they needed to be handled. WE ARE ONE....GALACTIC EMPIRE.

Everyone knew sterling was going to be exiled, there was no way you could keep an team owner on tape having a Calvin Candy from Django rant on black men in a league where 8 out of 10 players are black. The backlash would've been ridiculous, even Sterling knew he was out. That's why there was no backpedaling or fake apology. Dude probably spent the past 3 days trying to move everything clippers related into other family members names and find loopholes with all his lawyers.

Adam Silver didn't win the commissioner job in a poker game by luck, dude has to be some level of smart. Smart enough to realize that a blood sacrifice fell into his lap and he had to give the crowd blood.He banned an 80 year old billionaire for life from the NBA. Really though? Sterling was not going to come back anyway.He would've been a leper and hemorrhaging sponsors. If being a known racist in public was that easy the KKK wouldn't be wearing bed-sheet masks all the time. So Silver "dropped the hammer" on him not cause he wanted to but because he had to. Save Sterling and be vilified with him and caught in a money costing backlash or kill Sterling and be a hero. Which one is the obvious choice for a new boss? Sterling killed himself and Silver cut the head off the dead body and took credit for the kill and is getting praised for it.

Dude now has the fear of the owners and the respect of the players. If any owner votes no on Sterling having to sell and it gets out, how well do you think they'll do in free agency and with players already there? Dude has both sides eating out of his hand.Thought he was the puppet,he looks like the puppet master right now. Remember this day when he starts passing the rules we don't want in the game down the line.

The thing that hurts my heart the most in this whole ordeal is the Clippers/Doc Rivers/Other teams not standing up. Doc rivers distancing himself on some "THEY wanted to do it" shyt. You're the leader of a team who really doesn't know who to trust anymore and you leave them out there like that? You would think as a dude with a white wife he'd be the first to be offended on his boss telling his bedwench she should not to be seen with black people cause shes lowering herself but nope, he just went out there like a good house negro and kept working. I don't respect that.

The Clippers had a chance to change the league maybe even the world. Can you imagine if they sit and a domino effect happens,or players from another team decide to sit too? Would've been the shot heard around the world. The power dynamic in the league would've have leveled HARD. Owners and Silver would have had to realize who really makes the games and they aren't afraid to stop making the games if need be. They could've told Silver we want his head instead of Silver throwing them his head. Big difference. But they didn't, they went right back out on the field and picked some more cotton while waiting for white jesus to rain down punishment on their plantation owner. They took their practice shooting shirts off. ~Nothing says we mean business in sports like taking a practice shirt off~ What's worse is chris paul was directly affected by this and president of the players union and did nothing.

You play sports for a few years but you gotta be a black man for the rest of your life.It was just one game? It was just one day of not riding the buses in Selma too. I don't know, maybe i'm just a dreamer. Maybe cause I'm not a rabid sports fan that will stan people and teams to the point were i let it cloud my judgement when sports and social issues collide. I mean cats were negging me for saying Kobe's comments on Trayvon were real c00n-like when in reality 100% of this board has a better chance of being Trayvonned than being Kobe outside of the white girl rape charge. Some things are bigger than sports or the playoffs but when they collide, it really disappoints me to see what side a lot of the people land on. But like I said, maybe I'm just a dreamer seeing things that could be real but aren't.

while watching the games and seeing the twitter crawl go across the bottom with all these tweets praising and commending adam silver, I find my disappointment for the clip players and coaches has turned to anger....reason being the message this ban and fine is sending to people over the world about black men....the clip players and coaches had a chance to make a significant statement regarding how they view themselves as black men, yet they didn't...they pouted, cried, threw a lil tantrum, and that was about it...they were so pissed off they said fukk you and sat, my bad, played and waited for the commish to come in to save the day....all that did was reinforce to the world: as black men, we have no power, control, say over shyt that happens to us, we're helpless, and we need a white man to come save the day....not only that, the fact that sterling still owns the team and people are celebrating a ban/fine, says to the world: as long as you dont make them cry, call them names, and give them a pat on the head, you continue to shyt on black men.....cause that's what i'm getting from it...

And you still have Black people rooting for the Clippers to win. Talmbout win it all to show Donald Sterling that we are one!! :why: :why:

The players are the worst though, because they actually know better than the fans that Sterling is still collecting mad dough off of this game (and even the we are one t-shirts :snoop:) and they didn't even do anything to at least push to make sure he couldn't profit off of the playoffs until the owners got a chance to vote him out.