[AUDIO] Donald Sterling - "Don't bring black people to my games" [AGREES TO SELL TEAM]


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
hes gone thats all that matters at this point to me, for a man who sat courtside for over 30 years, moved the team from san diego to la, was a cheap ass owner who finally had a great team, is advancing in age WILL NEVER get to enjoy the nba again. Can never sit courtside again in any nba arena, relegated ot watching on tv, just a old cac irrevelant billionaire

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Apr 30, 2012

What is Cuban trying to say exactly? That Sterling was just talking sh1t, but he really did good things?

It appears to me that Cuban is saying, short of openly confessing, that this behavior doesn't stop with Sterling. By setting a precedent on punishing Sterling, it opens the doors to punish others.

Which absolutely relates to what both Sterling and Whitlock were saying:

The system is bigger than Sterling.

It won't matter in the long run if there is another Sterling that just now hides their private feelings better. It won't matter if they push Sterling out and someone comes in to replace him who feels the same way about their labor.

That's why I think it's important that new owner or owners reflect the demographics of those working for them. It creates a position of power to at least provide some opposition to the workings of that system.

Mensch Fontana

Jul 13, 2012
I don't get how all these stupid a$$holes are saying it was in the privacy of his own home.... fine.... that shyts out now, and the consequences are very public. That shyt has a real impact on people involved directly(league,players,tenants) and indirectly(sponsors,fans) it doesnt matter where he said, what matters is that it is now out in public.


TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)
I don't like that word "c**n," but, I did laugh--forgive me, brehs.

He does make a good point, here;

Sterling adheres to a pervasive culture, the hierarchy established by global white supremacy.
"I don't want to change the culture because I can't," Sterling says. "It's too big."
This was Sterling's one moment of clarity. The culture of white supremacy created Donald Sterling. He did not create the culture.

But, he must always turn it back on us, as if we deserve this.

And as I read further...he JUST HAD TO BRING HIP-HOP--A MERELY 40 YEAR OLD FORM OF MUSIC--INTO THIS!!!!!! :dry:

Former commissioner David Stern had multiple opportunities to run Sterling out of the league for his bigoted actions. Sterling's peers have always protected him ... until he had the audacity and stupidity to be caught on tape explaining the culture they maintain.

Seriously, it's like he writes a good article (sans sensationalism), proofreads it, then goes back to throw some Whitlock Sauce on it.


I almost want to tell you to fallback on duke; these are actually powerful words.

White people should be wearing black socks, turning their T-shirts inside out, protesting outside the Staples Center. This is their culture, their Frankenstein. Or maybe they agree with Donald T. Sterling.

"I don't want to change the culture because I can't. It's too big."

It's also too beneficial. It's too comfortable.

Well-intentioned white people should be holding nationally televised panel discussions focusing on ways to lessen the damaging impact of white-supremacy culture. Well-intentioned white people who work within or support the NBA should be demanding that the NBA power structure cede some of its governing power to men and women who look like the overwhelming majority of the league's players.

Instead, the mainstream fanned the flames, enraging the angry black mob looking for a quick solution, a sacrificial lamb -- and now, by the end of the week, we'll be back to business as usual, pretending the stoning of Sterling harmed the culture that created him

:no: Dude just can't, without Whitlockisms


May 1, 2012
You're missing the ENTIRE point.

Chuck is saying ppl like Sterling don't need to be in power b/c they can discriminate and hold ppl down.

Chuck is saying he's not really black b/c he doesnt deal with the same issues as the rest of regular black ppl, especially the poorer ones. I respect him for not fronting like he's really part of the struggle.

Chuck has no pride as a black person. And he should ask magic johnson if he has the same issues as a regular black person. Sterling didn't discriminate when he said he didn't want to see his gf with blacks at games. He specifically named a black person in magic johnson who is even richer than chuck. You'd have to be totally ignorant to not believe that just because you are rich that rich racist whites still won't like you.
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American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Don't want to rain on the Adam Silver Appreciation parade but a lot of y'all have no idea what just happened. Only way to describe what just happened is in star wars episode 3 when sidious gave order 66, killed all the jedi, then told the senate that he handled them cause they needed to be handled. WE ARE ONE....GALACTIC EMPIRE.Everyone knew sterling was going to be exiled, there was no way you could keep an team owner on tape having a Calvin Candy from Django rant on black men in a league where 8 out of 10 players are black. The backlash would've been ridiculous, even Sterling knew he was out. That's why there was no backpedaling or fake apology. Dude probably spent the past 3 days trying to move everything clippers related into other family members names and find loopholes with all his lawyers. Adam Silver didn't win the commissioner job in a poker game by luck, dude has to be some level of smart. Smart enough to realize that a blood sacrifice fell into his lap and he had to give the crowd blood.He banned an 80 year old billionaire for life from the NBA. Really though? Sterling was not going to come back anyway.He would've been a leper and hemorrhaging sponsors. If being a known racist in public was that easy the KKK wouldn't be wearing bed-sheet masks all the time. So Silver "dropped the hammer" on him not cause he wanted to but because he had to. Save Sterling and be vilified with him and caught in a money costing backlash or kill Sterling and be a hero. Which one is the obvious choice for a new boss? Sterling killed himself and Silver cut the head off the dead body and took credit for the kill and is getting praised for it. Dude now has the fear of the owners and the respect of the players. If any owner votes no on Sterling having to sell and it gets out, how well do you think they'll do in free agency and with players already there? Dude has both sides eating out of his hand.Thought he was the puppet,he looks like the puppet master right now. Remember this day when he starts passing the rules we don't want in the game down the line.

The thing that hurts my heart the most in this whole ordeal is the Clippers/Doc Rivers/Other teams not standing up. Doc rivers distancing himself on some "THEY wanted to do it" shyt. You're the leader of a team who really doesn't know who to trust anymore and you leave them out there like that? You would think as a dude with a white wife he'd be the first to be offended on his boss telling his bedwench she should not to be seen with black people cause shes lowering herself but nope, he just went out there like a good house negro and kept working. I don't respect that. The Clippers had a chance to change the league maybe even the world. Can you imagine if they sit and a domino effect happens,or players from another team decide to sit too? Would've been the shot heard around the world. The power dynamic in the league would've have leveled HARD. Owners and Silver would have had to realize who really makes the games and they aren't afraid to stop making the games if need be. They could've told Silver we want his head instead of Silver throwing them his head. Big difference. But they didn't, they went right back out on the field and picked some more cotton while waiting for white jesus to rain down punishment on their plantation owner. They took their practice shooting shirts off. ~Nothing says we mean business in sports like taking a practice shirt off~ What's worse is chris paul was directly affected by this and president of the players union and did nothing. You play sports for a few years but you gotta be a black man for the rest of your life.It was just one game? It was just one day of not riding the buses in Selma too. I don't know, maybe i'm just a dreamer. Maybe cause I'm not a rabid sports fan that will stan people and teams to the point were i let it cloud my judgement when sports and social issues collide. I mean cats were negging me for saying Kobe's comments on Trayvon were real c00n-like when in reality 100% of this board has a better chance of being Trayvonned than being Kobe outside of the white girl rape charge. Some things are bigger than sports or the playoffs but when they collide, it really disappoints me to see what side a lot of the people land on. But like I said, maybe I'm just a dreamer seeing things that could be real but aren't.

You have a gem of a post on your hands, but please separate it into smaller paragraphs so people can read and appreciate rather than gloss over it due to it being difficult to read.


May 17, 2012
Los Angeles
No love for this fat POS. If this had happened to Kobe he would be calling for his execution but sticks up for Sterling. You can't trust this emotional uncle toms articles.


Jan 23, 2014
I wish people underst
No Sterling is being removed because he fukked the money up. A lot of those same owners are all buddy buddy w/ him. They were saying on the radio today how him and jerry reinsdorf are good friends...but now Reinsdorf is acting like he doesnt know why dude would say such things. Its all a big game.

no doubt, but as far as society's reaction that caused the money be disappearing is what I'm saying as well. There was no way to defend his actions without sounding crazy even conservatives know that.