Don't want to rain on the Adam Silver Appreciation parade but a lot of y'all have no idea what just happened. Only way to describe what just happened is in star wars episode 3 when sidious gave order 66, killed all the jedi, then told the senate that he handled them cause they needed to be handled. WE ARE ONE....GALACTIC EMPIRE.Everyone knew sterling was going to be exiled, there was no way you could keep an team owner on tape having a Calvin Candy from Django rant on black men in a league where 8 out of 10 players are black. The backlash would've been ridiculous, even Sterling knew he was out. That's why there was no backpedaling or fake apology. Dude probably spent the past 3 days trying to move everything clippers related into other family members names and find loopholes with all his lawyers. Adam Silver didn't win the commissioner job in a poker game by luck, dude has to be some level of smart. Smart enough to realize that a blood sacrifice fell into his lap and he had to give the crowd blood.He banned an 80 year old billionaire for life from the NBA. Really though? Sterling was not going to come back anyway.He would've been a leper and hemorrhaging sponsors. If being a known racist in public was that easy the KKK wouldn't be wearing bed-sheet masks all the time. So Silver "dropped the hammer" on him not cause he wanted to but because he had to. Save Sterling and be vilified with him and caught in a money costing backlash or kill Sterling and be a hero. Which one is the obvious choice for a new boss? Sterling killed himself and Silver cut the head off the dead body and took credit for the kill and is getting praised for it. Dude now has the fear of the owners and the respect of the players. If any owner votes no on Sterling having to sell and it gets out, how well do you think they'll do in free agency and with players already there? Dude has both sides eating out of his hand.Thought he was the puppet,he looks like the puppet master right now. Remember this day when he starts passing the rules we don't want in the game down the line.
The thing that hurts my heart the most in this whole ordeal is the Clippers/Doc Rivers/Other teams not standing up. Doc rivers distancing himself on some "THEY wanted to do it" shyt. You're the leader of a team who really doesn't know who to trust anymore and you leave them out there like that? You would think as a dude with a white wife he'd be the first to be offended on his boss telling his bedwench she should not to be seen with black people cause shes lowering herself but nope, he just went out there like a good house negro and kept working. I don't respect that. The Clippers had a chance to change the league maybe even the world. Can you imagine if they sit and a domino effect happens,or players from another team decide to sit too? Would've been the shot heard around the world. The power dynamic in the league would've have leveled HARD. Owners and Silver would have had to realize who really makes the games and they aren't afraid to stop making the games if need be. They could've told Silver we want his head instead of Silver throwing them his head. Big difference. But they didn't, they went right back out on the field and picked some more cotton while waiting for white jesus to rain down punishment on their plantation owner. They took their practice shooting shirts off. ~Nothing says we mean business in sports like taking a practice shirt off~ What's worse is chris paul was directly affected by this and president of the players union and did nothing. You play sports for a few years but you gotta be a black man for the rest of your life.It was just one game? It was just one day of not riding the buses in Selma too. I don't know, maybe i'm just a dreamer. Maybe cause I'm not a rabid sports fan that will stan people and teams to the point were i let it cloud my judgement when sports and social issues collide. I mean cats were negging me for saying Kobe's comments on Trayvon were real c00n-like when in reality 100% of this board has a better chance of being Trayvonned than being Kobe outside of the white girl rape charge. Some things are bigger than sports or the playoffs but when they collide, it really disappoints me to see what side a lot of the people land on. But like I said, maybe I'm just a dreamer seeing things that could be real but aren't.