Silver basically said was the first question asked. They will consider all the sanctions that are written into what I am guessing an encyclopedia worth of legal papers that are reviewing right now. Was he not angry enough for you? Again, we have established that you want Sterling gone...what if Silver DID say "up to and including expulsion" and once he hears back from the legal team that he can't do that? He will look like a moron and people will start playing that back and start asking MORE questions as to why Sterling was not banned.
I expect a pretty harsh penalty come guys want swift actions to a situation the NBA has NEVER been in like before. This is the first of its kind and are dealing with an owner who has enough money to draw out a long suit if he feels like he has a case. Adam Silver is a goddamn Lawyer...I think its fair to give him and the staff a little time to sort through this mess.
Seriously though, acting like the NBA is protecting Sterling is absurd...the last thing the NBA wants is a tarnished image when it comes to its players and fans. This is bigger than them "protecting their own"...they fukk this up and it can cost the league BILLIONS of dollars in SEVERAL ways if they don't and analyze and tip-toe any possible legal pushback by Sterling or annoy the millions of fans who are calling for Sterling's head.
He didn't have to guarantee expulsion, just by mentioning that it's an option on the table that they're looking into would be enough to send shockwaves and garner positive support all throughout the NBA, players & fans included. He made no mention of specifically doing that. He made no mention of racism being evil and that the league will not play around with racism. Like another poster pointed out, he said he spoke to Sterling and never clarified on asking Sterling whether it was him on the tapes during the presser. Don't you think this is information the public needs to know? It's a yes or no question.
Like I said, I don't want swift action, I just wanted a very serious initial verbal response right now...which we obviously didn't get. With Silver being a lawyer, he knows how the game is played. He knows how he could've spun this publicly and made the NBA look like a white knight (no pun intended) in shining armor. He didn't take those actions, which is what worries me. If he does take proper action in the future, or at least attempts to, I'll be the first one posting in here congratulating him and saying I was wrong and didn't think he would do it.
Sterling has been pulling this racist shyt in the league for a while now. Based on what I've read, people within the league have known about this (Elgin Baylor, Phil Jackson, Baron Davis, etc.), he's been doing it for nearly 30 years and nothing has happened to him yet. We have sworn testimony from people in court acknowledging his racist ideology during the real estate scandal. Why hasn't he been dealt with yet? The public may not have known...but it's been known within league circles for years. That in its own gives me concern about them potentially "protecting their own". My worst case scenario is that the league sits on this and just hands out a suspension for the rest of the year or maybe a fine, and then next year he's back like nothing happened. If that in fact is the result (which in reality is what it could be), what do you expect me to think about that?

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