Atlanta showing Donald Trump love


Mar 10, 2014
Biden's allegiance to Israel is going to cost him the election.

He got nobody to blame but himself. He made that bed, now lay in it :mjgrin:
What the fukk are you talking bout :mjlol: if Israel is a factor in losing elections, then how is Trump gonna win when he's far more pro Israel than Biden? Common sense.

Oh yes I imagine every Muslim in America not voting to help Trump win and teach Biden a lesson. Top quality trolling.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Bunch of salty dudes in this thread.

Your mom is right. She a real one.
This poster hates Black people. Is anyone surprised he's a trump supporter?

They have several generations before they catch up to the dead beat level of the negro.

Coli-militants only hate white man and black women.

Does the black man ever take responsibility for anything?

What else is new? Another black man with a criminal record that probably doesn't even have a job, or two pennies to rub together is shaming the black woman. I'm willing to bet that if it was a fat white bytch that nikka would be all up in her inbox. Typical nikka shyt.

I know how it is when nikkas move next to you and the neighborhood goes to shyt. Thank God I'm in a position to sell my house and move to an area where certain type of nikkas are priced out.

Suck a dikk fakkit. Neighborhoods have HOAs to curb undesirable behavior and drive out the riff raff like you and your bottom of the barrel ass family. If I wanted to be petty I could of called the HOA and they would drive them nikkas out. Instead I'm moving to a better area that don't have nikkas like that. Bon voyage muthaphucka.

At this point I can't even be mad at muthaphuckas for hating nikkas. shyt, I hate them too.

Where the coli-militants at? I saw the headline last night and immediately knew it was nikkas that did it.

They need to shut that shyt down in Myrtle Beach too. Can't stand nikkas. nikkas aren't wanted in Myrtle Beach or Miami Beach during Memorial Weekend.

Disrespect yourselves then DEMAND that other groups respect you, brehs.

I rather flip a pack or join the white man's army than teach nikkas in the inner city.

Keep giving muthaphuckas source material then cry about it.
The fact of the matter is that some people are just meant to be food. Consumed then shytted out.

I can understand y'all frustration though. Y'all get exploited by every group, even other black Americans, and feel like y'all are powerless to profit off of your own misery. That's not a consequence of black Americans being loving and accepting like the coli love to tell it, it's a result of the general lack of self worth that black Americans have.

All this lashing out and howling at the Moon that you coli nikkas love to do from time to time won't change a damn thing.
African Americans have been food and entertainment your whole history in this country.

So is racism over once you craven ass nikkas get your worthless checks for $2.00? Can the CAC wash his hands morally of the situation that he created?
Has the CAC squared his debt now? Does the CAC have no further obligation?

White people should jump at the opportunity to pay you gullible ass nikkas a couple of dollars if it means shutting the fukk up about slavery, institutional racism, and not holding their feet to the fire.
nikkas being nikkas by selling the one piece of leverage that they have for a couple of dollars. Stupid muthaphuckas. Can't see the forest from the trees ass nikkas.
Y'all can keep following that musty ass dyke if y'all want to.

Bu..bu..but I thought you bleeding hearts were all about saving lives. Keep it real, you just like sitting on your lazy ass collecting government checks don't you? You just want to get paid just for existing. You all aren't fooling anybody. You holding out for that $2000 a month them pandering ass Democrats are dangling in front of you. Bum.

Means no more of that "free" government money that their Democrat handlers been dangling in front of them.

Get your bum ass to work or starve. Trump shouldn't give y'all muthaphuckas shyt.

The worst parts of nikka culture is like a cockroach. You have to stomp it out early before you get overrun with an infestation.

Shame on them Africans.

The key is to go somewhere the typical nikka can't afford or requires too much effort. Half the nikkas out there would have been comfortably at home if it wasn't for the stimulus check. Taking their 5 kids $1400 and blowing it.
Even when I was unfortunate enough to have lived in south Florida I didn't step foot in Miami unless it was to the airport.

Sauce Mane

Mar 11, 2022
I'm not saying if he will win or lose, but this man has staged fake union support before and I'm just supposed to believe this? :mjlol:
Comrade Trump is good in the hood :troll:


Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
- White supremacists saying if we're in positions of power it was given to us via DEI
- Earning Elon Musk revenue by staying on his social media platform as he turns it into BlueChan
- White music executives training our young to sing about shooting each other
- Regularly calling each other slurs to "reclaim" the word, notably use the word more often when we're angry or hateful towards each other
- Black history erased from schools under the guise of "CRT"
- Engaging in wars against our own kind in Africa, who are not us by virtue of being lucky enough to not have been kidnapped and sold to white Americans
- Growing lax in an environment where our ancestors fought and died for their right to exist without discrimination and still haven't fully achieved it

- White supremacist autocrat winning our votes in a swing state for the price of a chick fil a milkshake

This is serious. Being butthurt can make you delirious. It'll be okay, fam