Falcons fans can be temperamental at times. I love listening to local sports radio when the hosts be reading their tweets and texts after a loss. Especially how Hugh Douglas be sonning'em
But I feel like the Atlanta Hawks may be on the rise soon with their new GM, tho. I'm a Heat fan but since i live in Atlanta i'll stumble upon their games every now and then on the local cable network and watch. I like their young core of Trae Young and John Collins but those two young SGs they drafted last year (Hunter and Reddish) are gonna be really good once they grow into their bodies. I especially like the Hunter kid's game a lot and he's the better player right now
but i , like many others, feel Reddish may have a higher ceiling between the two of them if he develops.
At least the Hawks fans on here havent gotten out of hand talking reckless yet.