Atheism is destroying black minds.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
WEED said:
z york was a religious retard just like you,

:mjlol:......I ain't religious. I'm just not anti-religious because that's what 'White' people want you to do.

WEED said:
and polight isn't a scam artist, u have any proof?

Here ya' go......

Whole story spread out over about 8-9 videos. Send dude money, get nothing in return.

Dude is nothing more than a 'Prosperity Pimp'......just like his 'mentor'. Probably diddles little kids like him, too.

I know REAL Moors. That cat is a straight HUSTLER hiding under a fez.
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generic screen name.
Dec 9, 2012
:mjlol:......I ain't religious. I'm just not anti-religious because that's what 'White' people want you to do.

Here ya' go......

Whole story spread out over about 8-9 videos. Send dude money, get nothing in return.

Dude is nothing more than a 'Prosperity Pimp'......just like his 'mentor'. Probably diddles little kids like him, too.

I know REAL Moors. That cat is a straight HUSTLER hiding under a fez.

hahahaha i knew your lying ass would post this interview that is ridiculous and has NO EVIDENCE
the accusations come from a actual schizophrenic named king noble, internet famous for saying "RAPE IS A REVOLUTIONARY ACT"

he is despised and rejected in the conscious community, and is mad that polight or no one else for that matter wants nothing to do with him, there is a lot of places he can not go, even Prof Griff tried to crack his jaw a few months ago.



lol, your getting desperate. Your whole paradigm is being destroyed, your being exposed as being a moron. Also you insinuated that polight is moor, lol, your an idiot, you have no concept of black consciousness, you dont know at all what your talking about, and your bytch ass is lost trying to spread your confusion because misery loves company.

you ARE religious, you are just afraid to admit it, which is pathetic, its bad enough being religious but your not even man enough to admit it, kill yourself. I got shyt to do
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
WEED said:
hahahaha i knew your lying ass would post this interview that is ridiculous and has NO EVIDENCE

Good, then you should be able to produce ONE person not on his payroll who has actually benefitted from his 'products' to refute the accusations.

Then again, you seem to like this dude but fail to understand that he believes Africans got their knowledge from extraterrestrials......just like Dr. York., his 'mentor'.

(Go to about 19 minutes to hear some psycho-babble)

Soooo much 'tin-foil' in this video.

BTW: I know all about 'King Noble' since he lives nearby and goes by the name of 'Nature'. He's also a scammer......JUST LIKE YOUR BOY!!!!

LOL @ 'Conscious Community'. ALL those cats are 'Un-Conscious' and full of shyt.


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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks

The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials. In May 2010, for example, a father-son team of sovereigns murdered two police officers with an assault rifle when they were pulled over on the interstate while traveling through West Memphis, Ark.

The movement is rooted in racism and anti-Semitism, though most sovereigns, many of whom are African American, are unaware of their beliefs' origins. In the early 1980s, the sovereign citizens movement mostly attracted white supremacists and anti-Semites, mainly because sovereign theories originated in groups that saw Jews as working behind the scenes to manipulate financial institutions and control the government. Most early sovereigns, and some of those who are still on the scene, believed that being white was a prerequisite to becoming a sovereign citizen. They argued that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which guaranteed citizenship to African Americans and everyone else born on U.S. soil, also made black Americans permanently subject to federal and state governments, unlike themselves.

The Sovereign Belief System
The contemporary sovereign belief system is based on a decades-old conspiracy theory.
At some point in history, sovereigns believe, the American government set up by the founding fathers — with a legal system the sovereigns refer to as "common law" — was secretly replaced by a new government system based on admiralty law, the law of the sea and international commerce. Under common law, or so they believe, the sovereigns would be free men. Under admiralty law, they are slaves, and secret government forces have a vested interest in keeping them that way. Some sovereigns believe this perfidious change occurred during the Civil War, while others blame the events of 1933, when the U.S. abandoned the gold standard. Either way, they stake their lives and livelihoods on the idea that judges around the country know all about this hidden government takeover but are denying the sovereigns' motions and filings out of treasonous loyalty to hidden and malevolent government forces.
The sovereigns believe evidence for their theory is found on the birth certificate itself. Since most certificates use all capital letters to spell out a baby's name, JOHN DOE, for example, is actually the name of the corporate shell identity, or "straw man," while John Doe is the baby's "real," flesh-and-blood name. As the child grows older, most of his legal documents will utilize capital letters, which means that his state-issued driver's license, his marriage license, his car registration, his criminal court records, his cable TV bill and correspondence from the IRS all will pertain to his corporate shell identity, not his real, sovereign identity.

The process sovereigns have devised to split the straw man from the flesh-and-blood man is called "redemption," and its purpose is two-fold. Once separated from the corporate shell, the newly freed man is now outside of the jurisdiction of all admiralty laws. More importantly, by filing a series of complex, legal-sounding documents, the sovereign can tap into that secret Treasury account for his own purposes. Over the past 30 years, hundreds of sovereigns have attempted to perfect the process by packaging and promoting different combinations of forms and paperwork. While no one has ever succeeded, for the obvious reason that these theories are not true, sovereigns are nonetheless convinced with the religious certainty of a true cult believer that they're close. All it will take, say the promoters of the redemption scam, is the right combination of words.


Nu-Covenant members in coherent fashion acknowledge the fact that the private venue has become an abode of iniquity; as many American citizens and citizens alike world over on account to them being economically displaced endeavor to evade public obligations by using sovereign principles. Congress no longer passes laws, more rather they pass Bills that in turn becomes Acts, represented by statutes and codes. Convicted criminals have been used, unbeknown to them all crimes are commercial. In due regards to this factual pretense, your indictment is none other than a Bill of exchange. We stand in our unlimited commercial Secured party Creditor liability. We do not fight any more, we Kill Them With Paper Work.

@WEED , your boy, Michael Noak (brother Polight), culturally known as Nysut: Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re is a straight SCAM-ARTIST that doesn't even have a valid business address and sells dead people's SSN's to boost credit scores through proven scam.

Dikkride a dude that can't speak English clearly, yet speaks 7 languages, brehs.

Like I said, I don't need to lie since the truth is SO much funnier.
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks

Redemption is the latest in a seemingly never-ending series of financial scams to course through the American radical right. Whether or not its promoters believe their own claims, the scam has caught on over the last few years in part because it relies on theories popularized by the antigovernment and racist right. For proponents, it marries up political ideas with good, old-fashioned greed.

Like a whole series of other antigovernment paper schemes, redemption represents "the intersection between the financial interests of con artists and the antigovernment political message of the 'Patriot' movement," says Daniel Levitas, an author who has studied the historical antecedents of this latest ripoff.

Pony Up for Freedom
What redemption promoters sell — through hundreds of pricey books, tapes, CD-ROMs, Web sites and interminably dull seminars saturated with quasi-legalistic mumbo-jumbo — is a cockamamie version of U.S. history in which the federal government has enslaved its citizens by using them as collateral against foreign debt.

The government, they argue, is financially bankrupt, and the Uniform Commercial Code (or UCC, which in real life governs commercial transactions) is actually the supreme law of the land. Importantly, any document to which your name is affixed in all capital letters is not legally binding, the redemptionists say. Corrupt judges and lawyers know all this, but they all have been sworn to secrecy.

Luckily, add the salesmen, there is a way out.

By filing particular government forms in a particular order, and by using precisely the right language (don't worry: the redemptionists will tell you how), you can redeem your stolen assets, reclaiming your God-given freedom and a whole lot of money, too.

Using obscure parts of the UCC, you can "capture" your "strawman," which in redemption-speak is the entity (identifiable as your name written out in all capital letters) that the government created to represent the value of each individual life.

Then you can "accept for value" any problematic government document — a court summons, for instance, or an order to pay child support or back taxes — and "redeem" it by drawing on your strawman account. You can also create sight drafts that draw on this phantom account, and use them to pay electric bills or buy yourself a Cadillac.

And if anyone tries to stop you, you can counterattack with any of a whole toolbox of weapons, ranging from bogus property liens and income reports (sent to the IRS to provoke an audit) to seemingly realistic court orders.

The details can be eye-catching. Some redemptionists say that whenever a person is born in the United States, approximately $630,000 is deposited into a special government account. If only you know the right procedure — and the redemptionists will gladly sell you the details — you will be able to withdraw funds from this account, which was supposedly created by the 1935 Social Security Act.

Redemption is a charade. It is time-consuming, nonsensical, and virtually impossible to understand. That it doesn't work goes without saying — many people now in prison are mute testimony to the scam's many perils. And it costs a small fortune to master. For while redemptionists say they'll make you rich, they almost always want to be paid first, in dollars printed by the government they hate.

Your boy is a SCAM ARTIST.



Oct 13, 2014
it has nothing to do with being black, it has more to do with understanding the human tendency to create comfort or "reason" regarding things they may not be ready to accept (death), or not yet capable of understanding (the origin of the universe).

creating names, rules, and ideologies, and attaching your self to them, then seems....nonsensical. And is arrogantly proclaiming that we as a species, know THE ANSWER to the origin of the universe. Thus every extraterrestrial, or inter-dimensional being should travel to visit us because that answer is clearly jesus/allah/buddah etc.


In Beats We Trust
Jul 12, 2013
Religion is dumb b
it has nothing to do with being black, it has more to do with understanding the human tendency to create comfort or "reason" regarding things they may not be ready to accept (death), or not yet capable of understanding (the origin of the universe).

creating names, rules, and ideologies, and attaching your self to them, then seems....nonsensical. And is arrogantly proclaiming that we as a species, know THE ANSWER to the origin of the universe. Thus every extraterrestrial, or inter-dimensional being should travel to visit us because that answer is clearly jesus/allah/buddah etc.

I'd dap you if I could


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
AngryBaby said:
creating names, rules, and ideologies, and attaching your self to them, then seems....nonsensical. And is arrogantly proclaiming that we as a species, know THE ANSWER to the origin of the universe. Thus every extraterrestrial, or inter-dimensional being should travel to visit us because that answer is clearly jesus/allah/buddah etc.

There aren't any extraterrestrials. This ain't Science Fiction.

Stop dreaming.​


generic screen name.
Dec 9, 2012
this dude @Dafunkdoc_Unlimited wants me to go through all that work defending another man. bytch please, im not even reading that shyt u just wrote dummy. How much time did it take you to do all that research for the sake of slandering and lying on another black man smh. (If you are black that is)

LOL, deal with the information idiot. The topic of the thread,

I know u want to change the topic out of embarrassment, pathetic ass niggga, but the topic is atheism not polight.

Back to the information

this video is a must watch for bible lovers, only 10 mins


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
WEED said:
this dude @Dafunkdoc_Unlimited wants me to go through all that work defending another man. bytch please, im not even reading that shyt u just wrote dummy. How much time did it take you to do all that research for the sake of slandering and lying on another black man smh. (If you are black that is)


Brother Polight is a scammer that uses a scam invented by a racist 'White' man.......

Known as the Father of the Identity Movement in the United States and one of Dr. Wesley Swift's associates. William Gale was a retired Col. of the United States Army . Gale had been an aide to General Douglas MacArthur, and had coordinated guerrilla resistance in the Philippines during World War II. Gale became a leading figure in the anti-tax and paramilitary movements of the 1970s and 80s, beginning with the California Rangers and the Posse Comitatus, and helping to found the militia movement. He was the Pastor of the Ministry of Christ's Church and the Founder of the Committee of the States the Political of the Church. He stood trial and was acquitted for several charges such as conspiracy to commit murder of government employees and conspiracy to overthrow the federal government. He was also a close associate of Pastor Richard Butler who went on to later found Aryan Nations.

The concept of a sovereign citizen originated in the Posse Comitatus movement as a teaching of Christian Identity minister William P. Gale. The concept has influenced the tax protester movement, the Christian Patriot movement, and the redemption movement—the last of which claims that the U.S. government uses its citizens as collateral against foreign debt.

Gale identified the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution as the act that converted sovereign citizens into federal citizens by their agreement to a contract to accept benefits from the federal government. Other commentators have identified other acts, including the Uniform Commercial Code, the Emergency Banking Act, the Zone Improvement Plan, and the alleged suppression of the Titles of Nobility Amendment.

Some of those in the movement consider the term "sovereign citizen" an oxymoron, preferring to view themselves as sovereign individuals "seeking the Truth".

He sells it over the 'Net and through conferences thereby making himself rich by deceiving 'Black' people with nonsense that'll get them locked up.

Using obscure parts of the UCC, you can "capture" your "strawman," which in redemption-speak is the entity (identifiable as your name written out in all capital letters) that the government created to represent the value of each individual life.
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Oct 13, 2014
There aren't any extraterrestrials. This ain't Science Fiction.

Stop dreaming.​

you're right, jesus and the bible makes so much more sense than acknowledging the mere possibility that we are not the only life that exists on one planet out of a multitude of trillions that exist in the universe.

you better come correct if you don't wanna get ripped up. This isn't one of your stupid friends where you can get away with saying stupid shyt. maybe your ego will prompt you to respond to this comment, in which case wouldn't be to your favor. Thus I'll be waiting with a smile on my face.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
AngryBaby said:
you're right, jesus and the bible makes so much more sense than acknowledging the mere possibility that we are not the only life that exists on one planet out of a multitude of trillions that exist in the universe.

We KNOW Jesus existed and we KNOW the Bible/Qu'ran/Vedas./etc. exists.

We do not KNOW if there is any life (intelligent or otherwise) anywhere else in the Universe.

I have no reason to acknowledge the possibility that there may be.​
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Oct 13, 2014
We KNOW Jesus existed and we KNOW the Bible/Qu'ran/Vedas./etc. exists.

We do not KNOW if there is any life (intelligent or otherwise) anywhere else in the Universe.

I have no reason to acknowledge the possibility that there may be.​

But you do not KNOW if jesus is a messiah or just a man who claimed prophet. You don't know if there is any reason at all to believe a word of the bible outside of the fact a fukking BOOK exists written by ancient men who thought the world was flat, that has been re-translated to such a degree that it's original meaning is lost. Jesus also wasn't the only man which claimed prophet in his own time period, he didnt even have the most followers.

lol thats some stupid shyt kid. Logic and lack of being egocentric is the only reason for acknowledging the mere possibility.

you basically said you don't even want to acknowledge the possibilty? Even Though it's mathematically reasonable and sound to do so? Thats being stubborn and closed minded. There is absolutely no reason NOT to acknowledge the possibility. But to you it makes perfect logical sense that we are SOOO special that we are 1 of trillions correct? Get that stupid shyt outta here.

We haven't even discovered everything on THIS planet, and the method of what would be required to attain information of the universe is alot more extensive than what is required to find out if a mere man existed 2000 years ago (and even then were only getting that information from text alone)

I'd also like to note that piece of my post was a mere hypothetical. To drive an idea home. Focusing on that piece is missing my point entirely