Christianity does mean you'll fall for anything.Im actually surprised at how many people is downplaying OP. Just because you dont believe in what he believes in, doesn't mean hes wrong.
Theres nothing wrong with believing in God. Everybody has there own mind. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean your "conditioned" or will fall for anything.
I hate when people say Christianity is destroying black minds especially coming from people who claim they are atheist just because they have a shytty life.
Whats really more detrimental to black minds is the fact that just because yall believe something different than him, yall clowning and saying something he believes is a joke. At the end of the day, we Black, lets stick together for that reason alone cause if we dont no one will......
As a person who has been forced to go to church for 19 years, I can attest to this.
Its not just grown-ass people who believe there are demons running around, that think there is a Heaven or a Hell that you can follow arbitrary rules and gain entrance into, that praying can actually cause something to happen, that think the "end is coming," or that their Bibles, having been edited numerous times, are the literal "word of god," they use these moronic beliefs as a basis for opposition to gay marriage (as if marriage is special and more than just a ceremony), to denial of global warming, denial of medical treatments, opposition to any Socialist ideals, and so much more.
It warps your worldview from the incredibly harsh reality.
It gives a belief of exceptionalism, that because you are a good person, that good things will happen to you.
Its overall foolishness.