There's a few nukes aimed at america via Beijing that state otherwise.A lot of these Asian people yearn to be white. They kiss white ass all the time. Okay they got their stores and restaurants but thats the only way they really stick together.
If anything the fight should be over everyone getting along and working together. Not just hooking your people up. He is basically saying I'm only gonna truly work with my fellow Asians because that's who I only care about. Which is the same thing that white people do. This is only continuing to divide us. Instead of bring us together.
Martin Luther king's whole purpose was for us all to get along although that most likely wouldn't happen I don't really see anything too good about what he had to say. Plus Asian history doesn't compare to African history or African American history. Just because he is a billionaire it doesn't mean his word is gold. I rather listen to people like Maya Angelou who really would speak knowledge instead of some greedy ass Asian.
and saying Asian history doesn't compare to african history is completely and utterly ignorant. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, South East Asian history is extremely rich. Asia, due to being the most densely populated, is hands down the richest. If you were to list civilizations and empires, asia would dwarf everyone. They just have so many damn people.